Imagine, if you can, a scenario where anti-Semitism, doublespeak and outright lies by an avowed terrorist responsible for murdering numerous people is given a forum at one of the premier newspapers in America to justify his hatred and his crimes....
Silly, huh? Twilight zone stuff, right?
Guess again.
Today's Washington Post Editorial page features none other than Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas government writing on Aggression Under False Pretenses.
The WAPO didn't even use an interview or news analysis format..just allowed the head greenhat to spout off freely and without challenge. Here's a few excerpts...make sure you have your boots on before wading in this putrid mess:
"As Americans commemorated their annual celebration of independence from colonial occupation, rejoicing in their democratic institutions, we Palestinians were yet again besieged by our occupiers, who destroy our roads and buildings, our power stations and water plants, and who attack our very means of civil administration. Our homes and government offices are shelled, our parliamentarians taken prisoner and threatened with prosecution."
Gee, think all those rocket attacks, terrorist attacks on civilians and attacking a military base in a neighboring country and capturing a hostage might have something to do with all that?
"The current Gaza invasion is only the latest effort to destroy the results of fair and free elections held early this year. It is the explosive follow-up to a five-month campaign of economic and diplomatic warfare directed by the United States and Israel. The stated intention of that strategy was to force the average Palestinian to "reconsider" her vote when faced with deepening hardship... the new overt military aggression and collective punishment are its logical fulfillment. The "kidnapped" Israeli Cpl. Gilad Shalit is only a pretext for a job scheduled months ago."
I agree with you there, Haniyeh. The Palestinians made their choice...BUT WHO SAYS WE HAVE TO FUND Islamic terrorism? You have a lot of nerve, considering how many Americans the Palestinians have murdered. And speaking of economic and diplomatic warfare, what do you call the Arab boycott and the constant demonization in international forums of Israel?
As for `aggressive military aggression and collective punishment', what do you call months of rocket attacks and years of terrorist assaults on Israelis? Or the Hamas Charter stating that Jews have no right to exist?
"...The Palestinian leadership is firmly embedded in the concept of Islamic shura , or mutual consultation;..while we may have differing opinions, we are united in mutual respect and focused on the goal of serving our people. Furthermore, the invasion of Gaza and the kidnapping of our leaders and government officials are meant to undermine the recent accords reached between the government party and our brothers and sisters in Fatah and other factions.."
Exactly as I've said real difference between Hamas and Fatah. But a nice job of attempting to align Hamas with the faction some unwary people still regard as `moderate'.
"..thousands of Palestinians, including hundreds of women and children, remain in Israeli jails for resisting the illegal, ongoing occupation that is condemned by international law....who is the underdog, supposedly America's traditional favorite, in this case? {...}
I hope that Americans will give careful and well-informed thought to root causes and historical realities, in which case I think they will question why a supposedly "legitimate" state such as Israel has had to conduct decades of war against a subject refugee population without ever achieving its goals."
`Women and children' Haniyeh? `Prisoners' Haniyeh? Try terrorist murderers convicted in Israeli courts of law. Here are some of those women prisoners the Palestinians want released. And here's another person the Palestinians want released from Israeli custody, somebody Abbas and the Palestinian government made an honorary citizen. Any civilized society, especially one interested in peace with its neighbor would want people like these locked up permanently. But then, you and your Palestinian friends aren't what we would consider civilized, are you?
And I love the bit about` decades of war on a subject refugee population'. As if the Arabs haven't spent those decades trying to massacre every Jew in Israel, including almost a million Jewish refugees from the Arab world ethnically cleansed after if Palestinians haven't had a sovereign government since 1991 on land the Israelis gave them...and as if the Palestinians have ever once honored any of the agreements they made with Israel or even remotely tried to live peacefully next to them!
"Palestinian priorities include recognition of the core dispute over the land of historical Palestine and the rights of all its people; resolution of the refugee issue from 1948; reclaiming all lands occupied in 1967; and stopping Israeli attacks, assassinations and military expansion.... the dispute is not only about Gaza and the West Bank; it is a wider national conflict that can be resolved only by addressing the full dimensions of Palestinian national rights in an integrated manner. This means statehood for the West Bank and Gaza, a capital in Arab East Jerusalem, and resolving the 1948 Palestinian refugee issue fairly..." we get into it. `Historical Palestine and the rights of all its people'? Does that mean Jordan is up for negotiation as well, Haniyeh? And does that mean that Jews get to live in peace in Gaza, Hebron or Ramallah? And `resolution of the refugee issue from 1948'. Does that mean you are going to get your Arab buddies to pony up compensation for the almost 1 million Jewish refugees from that conflict? Do tell.
At least you're being up front about wanting all of Palestine Jew free..not just Gaza, Judea and Samaria. You don't mention that your idea of a fair settlement involves flooding what's left of Israel with `refugees' in order to finish the jihad against the Jews and take over their country once and for all.
"... we do not want to live on international welfare and American handouts... We want what Americans enjoy -- democratic rights, economic sovereignty and justice. Instead.. this aggression continues against 3.9 million civilians living in the world's largest prison camps. America's complacency in the face of these war crimes is, as usual, embedded in the coded rhetorical green light: "Israel has a right to defend itself." Was Israel defending itself when it killed eight family members on a Gaza beach last month or three members of the Hajjaj family on Saturday, among them 6-year-old Rawan? I refuse to believe that such inhumanity sits well with the American public."
Well then, no problem Haniyeh. You claim not to want American and international handouts and I'm all for that. So why the constant panhandling, especially when Abbas is controlling $1.4 billion in the Palestinian Investment Fund...and that's just the one we know about! After receiving more aid money per capita than any nation in history, you'd think the Palestinians would have acheived `economic sovereignity'.
Of course, you could elect to live in peace with those awful Jooos next door and be a part of their growing economy...but that would be wrong. I also love the reference to the latest Pallywood production `Gaza Beach Blanket Massacre'. Even your shills at Human Rights Watch and the UN have realized by now what a con job that was!
"If Israel is prepared to negotiate seriously and fairly, and resolve the core 1948 issues, rather than the secondary ones from 1967, a fair and permanent peace is possible. Based on a hudna (comprehensive cessation of hostilities for an agreed time), the Holy Land still has an opportunity to be a peaceful and stable economic powerhouse for all the Semitic people of the region."
Stop Haniyeh...yer killin' me! First you talk about a permanent peace and in the next sentence mention a hudna, a temporary ceasefire?
I've already covered what your idea of a fair peace get all of Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank for a second Arab Palestinian state, plus you get to flood what's left of Israel with `refugees'..and in exchange for that, Israel gets the promise of a temporary ceasefire..from the same people who have never kept a single agreement they ever made with Israel!
Actually, Haniyeh, you (or rather, your ghost writer) aren't bad at coating these blatant lies and falsehoods with the proper horse manure..certainly the WAPO bought it. And I'm sure we can expect some elements the Main Stream media to continue to push the Big Lie.
Only problem is, they're not the only game in town anymore, too many people (at least in America) have gotten wise to this nonsense, and Arafat already spoiled the market for this kind of Orwellian doublespeak.
But no doubt some people will still swallow it.
And I must admit I am a little surprised that the Washington Post did. What's next, an op-ed by Osama?
I guess the Palestinians should roll over and just die?? Who's land was it? Who are the OCCUPIERS?? If that was your homeland, what you do?
God is thier witness & thier judge...not some racist american ...thank god
(your ignorance is really sad, let me guess your jewish?)
Ah, I love civil debates and discussions like this, when Palestinians and Isrealis are willing to listen to the other's side of the story........ Oh oh, is that not what this is? Well, let me take a stab at this sarcasm thing you love so much.
How was Isreal created again? Oh yeah, Britain seized Palestine after over a thousand years of crusading against it and eventually made it into a Jewish state after the Balfour Declaration.
What's that you say? Isreal is the historic homeland of the Jews, and they deserve to have it returned to them after 2 millenia of diaspora and persecution? Well that makes sese.
I mean, if you live in America, I'm sure you'd be happy to move out of your home if the goverment decided that they should give the land where you live back to the Native Americans, who've, like the Jews, also been persecuted for a long time. Heck, why not even give California back to Mexico??? Something for you to think about.
Having said that, don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly pro-palestine. There is absolutely no justification for any violence by the radical Palestinians. But what I would like to stress is that BOTH parties need to learn to open their minds a crack if there's ever going to be any progress in this huge mess. And ENOUGH of the "oh, the mainstream media is tilted more on the other guy's side." Both you guys claim that, and it's just plain childish and BS.
And as for that last commentor, not all Jews are ignorant. There are many fair minded Jews who wants there to be a just peace between the two countries, just as there are many Palestinians who are willing to consider Israel there neighbors and work something out.
just expressing your opinion?
your comment(s) display all the qualities you address.
what does that make you?
why not address the issues discussed in the essay/commentary?
it is easier to ask mindless meaningless questions not on the topic of discussion?
change the subject for chrissakes.
should the pals roll over and die?
they should stop acting like petulant teenagers and build a society that supports the people they represent. the society they build should make their neighbors envious of their prosperity.
but why be prosperous when you can play the victim card and get suitcases full of cash.
one question that the hyena did not ask was, "why are the pals always alone in these fights, where are their arab brothers that support and love them so?"
the question is not rhetorical.
can you spare some of your criticism for jordan? circa 1970?
where did all the pals in the west bank come from?
all that needs be done is address one of the issues in the essay/commentary and support it with intelligent discussion and facts.
but no.
what kind of state will you make?
i can't guess though, which death cult do you belong?
the question is not rhetorical.
Anonymous @ 2:07,
you come very close to discussing the natural effect of this conflict.
but you glossed over about 5000 years of sectarian violence that is the culture of the region.
this is the mid-east we are discussing, not the mid-west.
for all the diplospeak and smoothing over, land ownership is a jungle.
do you think the cherokee would love to have north florida, georgia, and parts of tenn. and bama back. if they could only throw off the USA it would be theirs. but then, who would build their casinos for them?
the mexicans and the desert southwest, again those pesky americans.
it truly is a jungle out there.
and where does the 750 pound gorilla sleep?
I would like to share the following article by Gideon Levy, an Israeli writer in Haaretz Newspaper ( with the respected visitors of your blog.
"We left Gaza and they are firing Qassams" - there is no more precise a formulation of the prevailing view about the current round of the conflict. "They started," will be the routine response to anyone who tries to argue, for example, that a few hours before the first Qassam fell on the school in Ashkelon, causing no damage, Israel sowed destruction at the Islamic University in Gaza.
Israel is causing electricity blackouts, laying sieges, bombing and shelling, assassinating and imprisoning, killing and wounding civilians, including children and babies, in horrifying numbers, but "they started."
They are also "breaking the rules" laid down by Israel: We are allowed to bomb anything we want and they are not allowed to launch Qassams. When they fire a Qassam at Ashkelon, that's an "escalation of the conflict," and when we bomb a university and a school, it's perfectly alright. Why? Because they started. That's why the majority thinks that all the justice is on our side. Like in a schoolyard fight, the argument about who started is Israel's winning moral argument to justify every injustice.
So, who really did start? And have we "left Gaza?"
Israel left Gaza only partially, and in a distorted manner. The disengagement plan, which was labeled with fancy titles like "partition" and "an end to the occupation," did result in the dismantling of settlements and the Israel Defense Forces' departure from Gaza, but it did almost nothing to change the living conditions for the residents of the Strip. Gaza is still a prison and its inhabitants are still doomed to live in poverty and oppression. Israel closes them off from the sea, the air and land, except for a limited safety valve at the Rafah crossing. They cannot visit their relatives in the West Bank or look for work in Israel, upon which the Gazan economy has been dependent for some 40 years. Sometimes goods can be transported, sometimes not. Gaza has no chance of escaping its poverty under these conditions. Nobody will invest in it, nobody can develop it, nobody can feel free in it. Israel left the cage, threw away the keys and left the residents to their bitter fate. Now, less than a year after the disengagement, it is going back, with violence and force.
What could otherwise have been expected? That Israel would unilaterally withdraw, brutally and outrageously ignoring the Palestinians and their needs, and that they would silently bear their bitter fate and would not continue to fight for their liberty, livelihood and dignity? We promised a safe passage to the West Bank and didn't keep the promise. We promised to free prisoners and didn't keep the promise. We supported democratic elections and then boycotted the legally elected leadership, confiscating funds that belong to it, and declaring war on it. We could have withdrawn from Gaza through negotiations and coordination, while strengthening the existing Palestinian leadership, but we refused to do so. And now, we complain about "a lack of leadership?" We did everything we could to undermine their society and leadership, making sure as much as possible that the disengagement would not be a new chapter in our relationship with the neighboring nation, and now we are amazed by the violence and hatred that we sowed with our own hands.
What would have happened if the Palestinians had not fired Qassams? Would Israel have lifted the economic siege that it imposed on Gaza? Would it open the border to Palestinian laborers? Free prisoners? Meet with the elected leadership and conduct negotiations? Encourage investment in Gaza? Nonsense. If the Gazans were sitting quietly, as Israel expects them to do, their case would disappear from the agenda - here and around the world. Israel would continue with the convergence, which is solely meant to serve its goals, ignoring their needs. Nobody would have given any thought to the fate of the people of Gaza if they did not behave violently. That is a very bitter truth, but the first 20 years of the occupation passed quietly and we did not lift a finger to end it.
Instead, under cover of the quiet, we built the enormous, criminal settlement enterprise. With our own hands, we are now once again pushing the Palestinians into using the petty arms they have; and in response, we employ nearly the entire enormous arsenal at our disposal, and continue to complain that "they started."
We started. We started with the occupation, and we are duty-bound to end it, a real and complete ending. We started with the violence. There is no violence worse than the violence of the occupier, using force on an entire nation, so the question about who fired first is therefore an evasion meant to distort the picture. After Oslo, too, there were those who claimed that "we left the territories," in a similar mixture of blindness and lies.
Gaza is in serious trouble, ruled by death, horror and daily difficulties, far from the eyes and hearts of Israelis. We are only shown the Qassams. We only see the Qassams. The West Bank is still under the boot of occupation, the settlements are flourishing, and every limply extended hand for an agreement, including that of Ismail Haniyeh, is immediately rejected. And after all this, if someone still has second thoughts, the winning answer is promptly delivered: "They started." They started and justice is on our side, while the fact is that they did not start and justice is not with us.
It's time for both sides to stop and negotiate for a just peace.
Gideon Levy? Mr. Peace Now? In Ha'aretz, Israel leftist paper that no one in Israel reads and hardly anyone else but gullible westerners takes seriously?
Next you'll be quoting Amira Hass or Uri Averney!
Every nation has its quislings. We have them here in America as well.
Nevertheless, you made a respectable post, unlike anonymous #1, and deserve a coherant answer.
I submit to you, `anonymous', the following facts:
First, let's deal with the real estate involved.
The area in question, Judea, Samaria and Gaza were NEVER awarded to ANYONE. They were part of the Palestine Mandate. The British received the Mandate for the express purpose of creating a Jewish state,and as you know, partitioned 80% to make the FIRST Arab Palestinian state, Jordan.
In 1948, the UN partitioned the remaining 20% AGAIN, which the Jews accepted and the Arabs did not. They attacked Israel, intending to kill every Jew there.
As a result of that attack, Egypt unilaterally annexed Gaza and Jordan annexed the West Bank and East Jerusalem...and any Jews living there were killed or ethnically cleansed, just as almost 1 million other Jews were from the Arab world..with no choice in the matter.
In what became Israel, about 400,000 Arabs left or were driven out of the country, while 100,000 stayed and live there as full citizens to this day. Unlike the Jews, most of them had a choice.
Israel resettled its refugees; it was the Arabs who chose not to resettle theirs, something for Israel can not be blamed in the least.
In 1967, the Arabs again attacked Israel, and lost some more land. Unlike the Arabs, Israel attempted to live in peace with these people, and ultimately ended up giving them land for a state through Oslo..which was Israel's to give, by the way since their claim was as good as anyone's.
The Palestinians reneged on THE TERMS- LAND FOR PEACE-of that particular real estate deal..shouldn't it revert to the owners?
Especially as the Palestinians have rejected every attempt at an agreement?
I might also add that the Palestinians are free to live anywhere in the Middle East..and the Jews are not. And there is NOTHING stopping the Arabs from giving some land to the Palestinians if THEY really wanted peace or cared about their so-called Arab brothers.
As for the horrors of the `occupation' who's to blame for that? If the Palestinians didn't enthusiastically support blowing up Israeli civilians, would the Jews NEED the security checkpoints, the monitoring, the security barriers?
Would the Israelis be in Gaza today if they ween't under constant attack?
There was terrorism against Israel BEFORE 1967..Just as there will be even if Israel returns to what Abba Eban famously called the `Auschwitz lines'..Israel's pre-1967 borders.
See, anonymous, here's the central issue in the Middle East..the refusal of Arab Muslims to live in peace and equality next to Jews..except, ironically, in Israel where the Jews have integrated the Arabs into their society as equal citizens.
There is absolutely no basis for a second Arab Palestinian state in the region..not geographically, culturally or economically. The only way it would ever have worked would have been for the Palestinians to totally ally themselves with Israel geographically and economically.
And the Palestinians have made very sure by their actions that this will NEVER happen.
You want a `just peace'? YOU tell me what the Palestinians are willing to do to somehow convince Israel that THIS time, they mean it. YOU tell me what the Palestinians are willing to sacrifice for peace.
I think we both know the answer.
Thanks for weiging in, and especially for your demeanor. You're welcome to drop by anytime.
nazar said...
"And as far as giving back America to the Indians(all five of them), that too is an absurd idea. Look, I'm not defending what the white settlers did to the indigenous population, but America is as much my home as the guy whose ancestors were here 20000 years ago, and if anyone wants to expel me from the country that I love, they will have to kill me first"
That's how the Palestinians feel about that land. That's how the Israeli settlers felt when they were evicted from the settlements last year.
Maybe I didn't use the greatest of analogies, but the point I'm trying to make is try to put yourself in the other guys shoes. Doing so won't make you pro-Hamas or pro-Terrorist. Doing so well make you BETTER than them.
I'm not telling you to abandon Israel and give it all back to the Arabs. What I would like to tell you to do is recognize that both sides are made up of human beings. I know there are a lot of Palestinian crazies, but try to open up your eyes a little more and look for humane ones among them. Try to understand there situation. Why do you think there is so much resentment and willingness to put up a fight among the Arabs against Israel? Don't you think there just might be the slightest of plausibility that more is at play than just anti-semitism?
Remember the Palestinian man who drowned in the sea of Galilee saving an Israeli boy. Remember tha Jaffra Arab who died when he tried to stop a Gaza man who was slashing Israeli children with a saber. Remember the Iraqi muslim who sheltered many Jewish people in his home to save them from rioters outside. Google these if you don't believe me.
And trust me, I have the same type of debate with people who are anti-Israeli, meaning i try to get them to realize why Jews have legitimate reasons to be passionate about Isreal.
And lastly, don't freak out when the Washington Post prints articles by members of Hamas. That Op-Ed is how they think, this is their justification for what's going on, and people need to be exposed to it so that we can address it. We are not like corrupt regimes in Arab countries and China that censures stuff they consider wrong. We are an open society, and we confront things we disagree with in civil rebuttals. And besides, there are PLENTY of pro-Israel op-eds that have been printed by the Washington Post and the mainstream media. Last time I checked, Israel was still the number one recepient of US foreign aid. I think it's safe to say America's commitment to Israel is secure. Shank you :-)
Anonymous #2
Hi anonymous #2,
Again, welcome and thanks for weighing in.
It seems to me that perhaps your tune has changed a bit since your first post..but I could be imagining it.
No one is suggesting that the Palestinians are not human beings..merely that a great number of them act inhuman, or support those who do.
I don't know if you've ever been to Israel, but most Israeli Arabs there are integrated and identify with their home country...and have been victims of Arab terrorism, just like the Jews.
Most Druse and Bedouins serve in the IDF, and even many Arabs serve in the police force and as security guards.
One of those Arab security guards got blown up at the Moment Cafe in Jerusalem last year.
Polls show that almost 80% of them would choose to stay in Israel rather than live in a Palestinian state.
You ask `Why do you think there is so much resentment and willingness to put up a fight among the Arabs against Israel? Don't you think there just might be the slightest of plausibility that more is at play than just anti-semitism?'
In a word, no. That's what the Qu'ran teaches, unfortunately. Read it. And that hatred even goes beyond the Palestinian's obvious best interests. You think they didn't know what message they were sending to Israel and the world when they voted Hamas into power?
I give them credit for more intelligence than you do, I think.
Another factor is the honor/shame culture the Arabs subscribe to. It applies in two ways: (a) the other Arab nations feel shame for the way they have treated the Arab refugees, and thus find it easier to blame the Jews for the refugee problem THE ARABS caused and (B) Muslims have to look at what the despised dhimmi Jews have created with no oil money and no major natural resources, and while under constant attack.
As for the WAPO editorial and the MSM, I'm afraid I don't agree with your point. For one thing, I don't think of it as `freaking out' to label Haniyeh's piece as a tissue of lies and blatant propaganda,,nor do I think it's necessary to give this garbage a forum `to know what they think'. The Palestinians' Charter, statements and above all their actions are pretty good indicators of that. As I said, who gets an op-ed next? Osama? The Imperial Wizard of the KKK? The y have points of view as well.
I also don't agree that there are `plenty of pro-Israel editorials' in the MSM. I've been following this story for a very long time, and the misrepresentation and well, fiction written on this issue is simply astounding, not only in op-eds, but in straight news pieces.
Here you can find links to some examples:J O S H U A P U N D I T: Massive Qassam blitz on Netivot and Sderot as Israel offensive continues
It is exactly the politically correct MSM that continues to promulgate these myths..underwritten by a multimillion dollar PR campaign underwritten by the Saudis and others.
Based on this and what goes on at various college campuses and among the Angry Left, no, I don't think America's committment to Israel is 100% secure.
Nor, based on the past, should the Jews of Israel depend on anyone else for their security.
You see, the Arabs look at this as an existential war, and a front in the Jihad. WE can emhathize all we want, but in the end, because of the way the Arabs have framed the terms of this war you have to take sides..and I stand with our ally, Israel.
Now, I answered your questions I think...want to take a stab at mine?
1)The Palestinians reneged on the terms of the real estate deal known as Oslo- LAND FOR PEACE-..shouldn't it revert to the owners, Israel?
2)If the Arabs REALLY want peace with Israel and care about their Arab `brothers', what's stopping them from giving some of the huge amounts of land they possess to the Palestinians, away from Israel's borders? Or integrating these `refugees' into their populations?
3)You say you want a `just peace'? Tell me what you think the Palestinians are willing to do to somehow convince Israel that THIS time, they mean it. And tell me what you think the Palestinians are willing to sacrifice for peace...besides a temporary ceasefire and more empty promises.
I look forward to your answers.
Thanks again for dropping by.
Hi Nazar,
I too know a fair amount of Muslims. A number of them are long time clients and friends. And if you look at some of the sites that I link to, you will notice several progressive Muslim sites run by people who are very aware of the trouble with Islam..the title of a book written by one of them, Irshad Manji, that is a must read.
She and I correspond regularly on this very subject.
No book by itself can incite murder.The problem is that the Qu'ran and the Hadiths (the accounts of the life and times of Mohammed, who is the Muslim paradigm, as Christ is for Christians) provide a justification for it, unlike any other religious scripture.
The last thing Mohammed said to his followers before he died in 632CE was for them to fight the unbelievers until they either died, accepted Islam or `felt themselves subdued' and paid tribute(jirzya) to the Muslims.
He also advocated violent jihad,saying to his followers `in the shade of swords wil ye find Paradise'.
Many Muslims regard this as a religious imperative today, and feel that it is their religious duty to conquer `dar-harb (literally, the place of war, the part of the world not ruled by Islam) and make it part of `dar-Islam' the `place of peace' or the part of the world ruled by Islam. When many Muslims talka bout peace, they MEAN dar-Islam, rather than peaceful co-existance as a non-Muslim would understand it.
The Qu'ran is also extremely anti-Semitic, a reaction by Mohammed to the Jews of Medina failing to acknowledge him as their Messiah, even though they had taken him in and allowed him to live peacefully among them after his flight from Mecca, the Hejira.
Mohammed rewarded these people for their tolerance by gathering an army, plundering their property, slaughtering the males and selling their women and children into of whom he picked out for himself as a sex slave minutes after her husband and father were beheaded before her eyes. He later went on to ethnically cleanse all the Jews from Saudi Arabia, saying `there will be no religion but Islam'.
In the Qu'ran it says that on the Day of Judgement the rocks and trees will call out `o Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me..come and slay him!'
(check out the link to the Hamas charter in this piece..that's where they got it)
These are by no means isolated incidents or verses in the Qu'ran and Hadiths, but a recurring theme.
What's more, this kind of behavior is not presented as a mere history, a recounting of the past, like some of the wars in the Book of Numbers in the Bible, but as an imperative and a model for Muslims to follow, because Mohammed is, as I said, the Muslim paradigm.
Do all Muslims behave this way and believe in this kind of behavior?
No,of course not. But the potential is there, which is why we are going through the latest phase of a very old war.
Keep in mind that if even 10% of Muslims are jihadis, that amounts to OVER 100,000,000 people! And the percentage may even be greater in the Muslim heartland and Europe, as opposed to America.
What's worse, because our government for years has allowed the Saudis to buy control of the mosques and madrassahs here in the USA and to fund the teaching of their hardline Islamist wahabi ideaology,many Muslims are being indoctrinated and radicalized and a number of Muslims I know have actually been driven out of their mosques because they were unwilling to continue to listen to the hateful rhetoric. Do a search on this site under `Saudis'.
And our government continues to allow Islamist organizations like CAIR and the MPAC to be spokes men for American Muslims..thus giving moderate Muslims a real problem in finding a platform. That Saudi largesse goes a long way.
My personal take on this is what I call the 20-60-20 formulae. I think 20% of the Muslim population is actively hardline jihadi or at least supports it. Another 20% is horrified by them and does their best to oppose the jihadis. And 60% are in the middle, working and living their lives, leaning one way or the other depending on how the wind blows.
If the jihadis are victorious, a lot of that 60% in the middle will line up on what appears to be the winning side and get in on the spoils of the jihad party. That's human nature.
My personal assistant is from Iran and experienced this first hand...when people she'd been friendly with all her life changed overnight when Khomeini and the mullahs took over.
That being said, I think that the main chance for peaceful coexistance with Islam is here, in America. But American Muslims will ultimately decide that.
Thanks for dropping by Nazar..have a good one!
"Why do you think there is so much resentment and willingness to put up a fight among the Arabs against Israel? Don't you think there just might be the slightest of plausibility that more is at play than just anti-semitism?"
No. Anti-semitism has a 5000+ year history.
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