Some of you may notice a new link in our blogroll here.
Earlier today I was contacted by Spc. Patrick A. Ziegler of U.S. Central Command Public Affairs. He happened to read and enjoy JoshuaPundit and asked if I would post a link to CENTCOM's website. He also offered to put me on CENTCOM's list for press releases.
After looking over the site, I was more than pleased to do so. Looking at the amazing job our military is doing over there as opposed to the bilge printed by the MSM is curiously refreshing, just like this site, and I recommend it.
And while you're there, send `em an e-mail, mention that you heard about the site through JoshuaPundit and THANK THEM for what they are doing to keep this country free and defend our ability to shoot our mouths off.
Believe me, they'll appreciate it.
and defend our ability to shoot our mouths off.
i don't have much ability at doing that.
i do feel i and anyone/everyone else has a right to do that.
on that charge i stand guilty.
as if you didn't already know that.
Yeah, I know...but let's be damn grateful to the people that pay the price so we that we can.
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