Every week, the Watcher's Council nominate two posts each, one from the Council members and one from outside for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week’s Council nominations can be found at our fearless leader's site Watcher of Weasels
In which Doctor Sanity comments on Victor Hansen Davis article regarding the alliance of the Angry Left and the Islamist fascists.
2. J O S H U A P U N D I T: The WAPO prints pro terrorist, anti-Semitic propaganda...no joke The Washington Post hit a new low yesterday, publishing an op-ed by no less than Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. It was so full of misrepresentation, rationalizations,lies, Jew hatred and outright contradictions that I decided to take its BS apart piece by piece. I'm still a little surprised the WAPO published it..although, in fairness, the WAPO did link to my response. Want to know why there won't be peace in the Middle East anytime soon? Read this.
3.Done With Mirrors: Rant control I have to admit, I love how Callimachus' mind works.
Here, he takes on a Leftist historian with a dyspeptic view of the Founding Fathers. History might have been written by the winners in the past, but the latest bunch of self-flagellating Leftist historians are hell bent on coming across like losers.
4. Gates of Vienna: Sister Mary Benignus Has Zarqawi Now This week, Dymphna draws on what I imagine was her parochial school experience to imagine Zarqawi's life in pergatory with a very different set of virgins.
5. ShrinkWrapped: Terror and Perversion ShrinkWrapped comments on the disgusting video shown by Jihad TV (al Jazeera) showing the mutilation of two captured US soldiers' bodies and draws some conclusions about the relationship between terrorism and sexual perversion.
6. New American Revolution upon us, says Senator : New World Man Senator Kerry always makes me think of the bit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: `Shut UP! Will You JUST SHUT UP'! Of course, Kerry thinks HE's king of the Britons, more than likely. Matt examines some of the Senator's turgid prose.
7.The Education Wonks: Woman Obeys "Unwanted Baby Law," Is Arrested Anyway EdWonk examines a South Carolina case in which a woman turned her unwanted baby in to a hospital in accordance with a new South Carolina law...and was arrested anyway when the baby tested positive for narcotics.
8.The Strata-Sphere: Democrats Overboard In a recurring theme AJ examines the wit and wisdom of Jonathan Chait, one of the LA Time's resident leftists and examines Chait's column on the Democrats and on the Lamont/Lieberman senate race.
9. Rhymes With Right: DeLay Debacle Greg takes a look at the ramifications of a federal judges' decision that Tom DeLay must remain on the ballot in his home district.
10.Right Wing Nut House: BLEEDING IRAQ Rick's take on the strife in Iraq. I don't totally agree with his take on it, because I see it Iran stirring the pot to retain their influence over the Iraqi Shias, tie down the US and buy time to advance their nuclear weapons program as a major component.
11. The Glittering Eye:Persistent North Korea Dave makes the point that we shouldn't ignore or discount North Korea as a threat simply because their long range missile failed (I think the US shot it down, myself). I agree with him.
12. The Sundries Shack: Are Iraqi lives Only Valuable to the Left When We Take Them?
Jimmie Bise points out the hypocrisy of the Left on this little subject.
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