Mister class, all the way:
Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Democrat, said part of the reason that he left the Republican Party last week was disillusionment with its health-care priorities, and suggested that had the Republicans taken a more moderate track, Jack Kemp may have won his battle with cancer.
Mr. Specter, responding to a question from CBS' Bob Schieffer over whether he had let down Pennsylvanians who wanted a Republican to represent them, said he thought his priorities were more in line with those of the Democrats.
"Well, I was sorry to disappoint many people. Frankly, I was disappointed that the Republican Party didn't want me as their candidate," Mr. Specter said on "Face the Nation." "But as a matter of principle, I'm becoming much more comfortable with the Democrats' approach. And one of the items that I'm working on, Bob, is funding for medical research."
Mr. Specter continued: "If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved or prolonged many lives, including mine."
Nicely done, Senator...attacking conservative policies a dead man who can't defend himself favored by using his death to make political points.
As far as I'm concerned, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are welcome to Arlen Specter. Hell, he belongs there.
The Democrats won't have Mr. Specter for very long. The Republican who runs against him will likely defeat him in the upcoming election. That is, if the Republican candidate will stick to conservative principles and resist the urge to become "Democrat-lite."
Mr. Specter does not even understand why the Republicans lost ground in the last election. He says it is because the Republicans moved to far to the right. Actually the opposite is true. The Republicans lost because they moved to far to the left.
Right up there with John Edwards' "If Kerry were president Christopher Reeves would be able to walk."
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