The Watcher's Council is a group of some of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.
So, let's see what we have this week....and do check out the Watcher's fine take on Arlen Specter's changing from RINO to Donkey...
Joshuapundit - Can The GOP Get Its Groove Back? - Can the Elephant learn to dance, sing and trample jackasses underfoot again? Maybe. But they're going to figure out what they stand for first.
The Colossus of Rhodey - As yet another example of demonizing the speech of your opponent as “dangerous” … - Hube points out the fallacy of demonizing a campus group called Youth for Western Civilization as 'white' by th every same people who have benefitted most from that civilization. Perhaps they'd enjoy submittin gto legalized slavery under sharia more.
The Provocateur - From President to King While the Media Yawns - Mike chronicles the unprecedented concentration of power in the White House and the dinosaur media's silence on the matter.
Bookworm Room - Predators and Prey - an interesting piece by La Bookworm this week, based on her viewing of a nature documentary that highlighted different ways of dealing with the predator/prey problem in nature. She goes over the different mechanisms used by animals to deal with this and applies it to foreign policy.
Right Truth - More Dangerous Than Al-Qaeda: Liberals and Sharia - Deborah's piece this week reminds me of the Torah verse " Your worst enemies will come from amongst you". In the case of the Left ( I don't use the term 'liberal' for these people) the alliance with Islamism is a matter of convenience, as each feels it is using the other to advance its agenda. The Left has no idea who it's gotten into bed with, but a simple look at what happened to the Iranian Tudeh ( Communist) party in Iran after Khomeni took over will prove instructive.
The Razor - Yet More Green Hypocrisy - This week, Scott entertains us with the tale of self-proclaimed greenie David Evans' ( otherwise known as U2's 'The Edge') desire to build five huge mansions on a hillside in Malibu and his conflicts with the locals. Heh!
Rhymes With Right - A Hero Of My Youth Passes - Greg has a very nice eulogy of the late Jack Kemp, who passed away this week.
Soccer Dad - The Iranian priority - The New York Times has long been a proponent of both appeasing Iran and using US pressure to force Israel into dangerous concessions to the Palestinians. In President Obama, they have someone in the White House who thoroughly agrees with them. This week, Soccer Dad analyzes this stance in detail and how it is likely to impact relations between the Obama Administration and Israel's Netanyahu government.
The Glittering Eye - Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste - Dave continues his coverage of the Swine Flu story..with an emphasis on how politicians are using what he considers to be an overblown and sensational story for their own purposes.
I agree with him to an extent , but I would point out that it could very well have been much worse. When you don't control your country's borders, you're setting yourself up for disaster.
Mere Rhetoric - UC Santa Barbara Professor Spams Class With Graphic “Jews Are Nazis” Email - This week, Omri looks at the publicly aired views of William I. Robinson, a USCB sociology professor. Robinson would obviously retort with the old lie that he's 'not anti-Jewish, just anti-Zionist.' Those who find his views bigoted, nonfactual and misinformed should be aware that they are quite common on the Left in academia.
Doing a bit of a search on Professor Robinson, one finds that he's not exactly pro-American either, and very much in sync with MeCha and other racist groups who like the idea of a 'reconquista' on a large chunk of America by Latinos. What chiefly bothers me about this fifth columnist is that my tax dollars pay his salary.
Wolf Howling - Waiting For The Iranian Shoe To Drop - GW also looks at our non-strategy on Iran and in particular how the mullahs are taking advantage of our retreat and weakness in the region. As he notes, it will cost us dearly if this continues.
Submitted By: The Watcher - The Anchoress Online - Why “the recession is over.”
Submitted By: The Colossus of Rhodey - The Times Online - 9/11 conspiracy theories: The truth is out there…just not on the internet
Submitted By: The Provocateur - The Hill - Obama’s Economic Policy: Washington Knows Best
Submitted By: Bookworm Room - National Journal - Twelve Points to Consider in Replacing Souter
Submitted By: Joshuapundit - The Augean Stables - What Do I Think of the Arab-Israeli Conflict? Answers to a Questionnaire
Submitted By: Right Truth - Chesler Chronicles at Pajamas Media - Let Us Praise Extraordinary Activists Who Stood Against Radical Islam in Times Square.
Submitted By: Rhymes With Right - Gone Mild - How to Influence a Legislator (Free Version)
Submitted By: Soccer Dad - Vinny’s Rants - Of Swine, Birds and Humans
Submitted By: The Glittering Eye - Will Wilkinson - Libertarian Democraphobia
Submitted By: Mere Rhetoric - NYT / Gail Collins - Joe Biden, the Flu and You
Submitted By: Wolf Howling - Weapons of Mass Discussion - On Specter, The GOP Big Tent, & Reagan
Submitted By: The Watcher - Kevin Mooney at The Washington Examiner - ACORN got $53 million in federal funds since 94, now eligible for up to $8 billion more
How could we control our borders to prevent this? Stop any air traveller who may have come into contact with anyone who's been to Mexico in the last month? Regardless of whether we should control our southern border better (I think we should), I doubt it would do a great deal of good.
This episode illustrates the irrelevancy of the WHO's guidelines for the modern world. The huge countries of North America hold the same weight as the relatively tiny ones of Europe. That's not science; that's politics.
Oh I appreciate what you're saying Dave, and you make an excellent argument, as always. Personally, I do think that we could take sensible precautions such as screening travellers coming from Mexico, etc.
My real point( I can understand why you might have missed it) is that this should be a wakeup call. This time, we got off with a comparitably minor news story that got milked for its sensationalism. The next time, we might be dealing with a biological attack across our porous southern border by the likes of al-Qaeda or Hezbollah, both of whom have linkups with people like the Zetas and MS 13.
And don't think they haven't made a few plans in that regard.This is a disaster-in-waiting IMO.
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