Hidey Ho, Primates, and a happy Cinco De Mayo...I just love the miasma of mariachi music,cheap tequila and throwing up! Welcome to the one and only Real Banana, your source for the real poop on politics.
Let's do it and get to it..
Things are really shaking over Arlen Specter's jump to the donkeys. First off, there's another guy besides Pat Toomey interested in running for Specter's seat as a Rethug..Tom Ridge,the fairly popular ex-GOP governor.
While the latest polls show GOP front runner Pat Toomey losing to Specter statewide, they show Ridge and Specter 3 points apart, essentially in a dead heat. Ridge is considered less of a right wing nut job than Toomey.
He still hasn't committed to running for the seat, but if he does and he gets past Toomey, he could have a real shot at capturing the seat for the Repubs...especially since the RNC will pull out all the stops and shove cash into Pennsylvania to punish Specter.
Likewise, the RNC is planning on putting money behind Norm Coleman's court challenge to Al Franken in Minnesota over that recent senate election, though if you ask me, they might have had a better chance if they had gotten involved a lot sooner.At this point, Coleman's appeal is sitting before a three judge panel in the Minnesota Supreme Court, and the only place left to go after that is the US Supreme Court.
Another complication is that in order to seat a senator, his election has to be certified by the governor and the secretary of state. In this case, the governor is Repub Tim Pawlenty, who's under a lot of pressure to hold off. And in the secretary of state's chair, we have Democrat and ACORN guy Mark Ritchie, who'd run over his own mother to get Franken in because it would mean a 60 seat filibuster proof senate for Obama.
If Franken wins in the state Supreme Court, look for an attempt to seat him by the Donkeys, who only need one GOP defection to do it.
Here's another little item that had me cackling.
The GOP has apparently put together a brand new groupie called 'the National Council for a New America' designed to put some zip in the Republican party. It includes dead meat like Jeb Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney as well as a coupla young guns like Bobby Jindal and GOP minority whip Eric Cantor.
These guys are going to attempt to resurrect the GOP, yakking about making the ReThugs a 'bigger tent', as though that's gonna sell tickets to the circus!
What made me laugh though was that they apparently got Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to join up ( if reluctantly) as part of it!
This monkey would love to be listening in to the conversation between McCain and Palin after McCain basically sold her out after the election. I mean, Johnny Mac even put his buttkissers like Steve Schmidt and a bunch of anonymous 'leakers' on the job.
OK, as a Democrat party animal, I always enjoy GOP soap opera like this, but these guys are going to have to figure out who they are in order to win elections. Sarah Palin I respect because at least she knows who she is.She stands for something.
I mean, are the ReThugs going to take their cues from guys like McCain and Bush? If they do, they really will end up as a bunch of extinct mastodons.
Weekend Monkey was a Democratic candidate for president in 2008 and is JoshuaPundit's political guru. He can be reached at wendmonkey@aol.com
YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!
Ridge is considered less of a right wing nut job than Toomey.so left wing nutcases like specter are ok??
i would have included yourself in that statement monkey boy, but would have had to leave out the term *left wing*.
ACORN guy Mark Ritchie, who'd run over his own mother i'd run over mark ritchie's mother as well.
that had me cackling.oh gawd, your still not in to that inter-species thing again are you?
don't you learn?
if not for ff coming through with some funds and a cover story your monkey ass would have been hung.
Governor Sarah Palin to join up ( if reluctantly) as part of it!oh gawd i hadn't heard that. what in hell is she thinking? the repubs will do a hacket job on her. she needs to focus on gubernatorial re-election and let these rinos soil themselves. what in hell is she thinking?
come to think of it, what in hell is ff thinking every time he lets you blibber all over his site?
i'm gonna go bathe.
some primates do that you know.
as opposed to licking each other.
monkey boy.
Personally, I like getting licked from time to time, Louie..all depends on who's doing it.
"...these guys are going to have to figure out who they are in order to win elections." The Republican party leadership is a group of left-center elitists. This is who and what they want their party to be any way. In so trying to do this, the Republican leadership has declared a relentless war on Conservatives. If they want to be left of center, they are going to have serious problems. The voters will liekly elect true liberals as opposed to the "Democrat lite" that the Republican leadership wants the party to be.
At a minimum, the Republican party will need to find a way to bring Conservatives on board. This is probably going to mean compromising on some issues. An area where they could compromise that would probably appeal to the "center" that they need would be to push for fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets. Also, they should push harder for border security.
If the Republicans will push historically Conservative pricniples of strong defense, low taxes, responsible spending, and individual responsibility they will see big gains in the next election. If not, they still might see some gains, depending upon how well the Democrats do at fixing the economy. I estimate that this economy will become the "Obama economy" some time around the middle of 2010. If the economy is not markedly better by them, the Democrats could face tremendous challenges holding on to the House and the Senate. This is especially so if the economy is still struggling by the middle of 2010 and the Republicans will stick to traditional Conservative principles.
Btw, a strong national defense does not neccessiarly entail invading another country. It can be some thing as simple as developing all of our own oil and gas reserves and building more refineries. Doing this would give us more utility for our national defense needs than invading Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other Middle Eastern country ever would have or likely ever could.
Finally, why is a Bush even allowed in the Republican party now? The Republicans should kicked all of the Bush's out of the party. They really are even dumber than I thought.
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