The Watcher's Council is a group of some of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.
COUNCIL NEWS: A high five to Ms. Bookworm and Hube for garnering a mention on Rush Limbaugh's show today!
So, let's see what we have this week....and do check out the Watcher's excellent take on a story bubbling under the blogosphere....that Chrysler dealerships targeted by the President's automotive task force for elimination or confiscation appear to be mainly either GOP donors or competition for dealerships that contributed to Democrats or are 'minority owned.'
Joshuapundit - Jerusalem Day - Israel celebrated יום ירושלים, Yom Yerushalayim or Jerusalem Day last week. It's a national holiday commemorating a modern miracle, the reunification of David's City in 1967. I have a few things to say about it, and perhaps an explanation of why it's such a red line and those stubborn, stiff necked Jews are so unwilling to acquiesce in its ever being divided again .
It's a side to the story you're unlikely to hear in the dinosaur media.
Right Truth - Home grown terrorism and the media - the Angry Left and the dinosaur media would have it that the whole Islamist terrorism thing is so, so overblown ( no pun intended). Debbie at Right Truth provides a few uncomfortable truths on the matter that shows that these folks are either living in denial or deliberately obscuring things.
The Razor - Death To Inclusiveness! - Scott begs to differ with Colin Powell's call for more GOP 'inclusiveness' at the expense of the principles that motivate the party's base.
The Glittering Eye - Living Within Your Means: California Edition - Dave comments on California inherent financial difficulties.
The Colossus of Rhodey - More Obama administration waffling on “torture” - Hube parses a particularly juicy bit of non-logic on the part of our current Attorney General, Eric Holder on the definition of what torture is and isn't.
This would be funny if people like Holder weren't in charge of things.
Wolf Howling - Obama Has The Left Going Nauseous - Ah, the cruel difference between candidate Obama riding on his pink unicorn and President Obama faced with the actual responsibilities of government! GW sympathizes with the Angry Left's disillusionment and attempts to cope.
Bookworm Room - Does Brown v. Board of Education constitute the Supreme Court’s one free pass? - The 'free pass' the scintillating Ms. Bookworm is talking about is one for judicial activism - as opposed to the libertarian approach of natural rewards or consequences.
In the example she mentions. it appears to me that she takes the position that rather than the activist decision itself ( if in fact it was an activist decision), it was the national attention focused on the situation by that decision that actually achieved the desired end. What do you think?
Soccer Dad - Mr. obama and mr. netanyahu - the alternative version - Soccer Dad scores with a fine comment on the Obama-Natanyahu summit's press coverage. I won't spoil it by commenting further.
The Provacateur -Deconstructing the Criminal Enterprise ACORN. - In Mike's submission this week, he examines in detail the mafia-like scam that ACORN has become. With the billions given to it by the Obama Administration, we can expect this to intensify..and voter fraud is just the tip of the iceberg, as Mike points out.
Submitted By: Right Truth - Planck’s Constant - The Pursuit of Happiness and Making Blacks Happier
Submitted By: The Razor - The Other McCain - The Road to Weimar America
Submitted By: Joshuapundit - Melanie Phillips - A Wary Encounter
Submitted By: The Glittering Eye - SCOTUSBlog - The Dynamic of the Nomination of Sonia Sotomayor
Submitted By: The Colossus of Rhodey - Spiegel Online - Hitler’s European Holocaust Helpers
Submitted By: Wolf Howling - Nial Ferguson @ NYT - Diminished Returns
Submitted By: Bookworm Room - PoliGazette - The Future Electoral Fortunes of the Democratic Party
Submitted By: Soccer Dad - Treppenwitz - 10 Lessons Israel Should Take From The Sri Lankan Victory Over Terror
Submitted By: The Provacateur - New Ledger - Obama: Let's Make Cars More Expensive
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