Here are the Watcher's council results for the week. Complete listings can be found here at Watcher of Weasels.
Interesting results this week...
For Council posts the winner was Gates of Vienna: The Wild, Wild West(ern Europe) Dymphna's intersting article comparing c the crime rates in the US versus the peaceful, civilized society of Western Europe. Would the higher percentage of certain adherants of the Religion of Peace and the massive gun control in Europe have anything to do with that, I wonder? congrats, Dymphna!
Then, things got weird with no less than a 5 way tie for second with the following articles getting the same amount of votes:
J O S H U A P U N D I T: Jew hater Bush?!?? My beat up on an idiot columnist named Jon Carroll from the San Francisco Chronicle who morphed his disgust at President Bush's disdain for the New York Times into a code word for Jew hatred! I still can't believe a so-called serious journalist got away with this..especially considering the Angry Left's embrace of Jew hatred - uh - `anti-Zionism'.
Right Wing Nut House : ESCAPING THE LEGAL AND MORAL QUAGMIRE OF GUANTANAMO Rick's contrarian examination of the Hamdan decision and what it could mean...very well done and food for thought.
Lives, fortunes, and sacred honor : New World Man Matt talks about teaching the message of July Fourth to his children. Cute!
Done With Mirrors: Among the dead CitiesInteresting...Callimachus critiques the ethical stance of a book that puts forth the proposition that the allied bombings of Germany and Japan in WWII were unjustified. I know at least two ex-GI's who's lives were probably saved by the bombing of Japan...and in any case, when one looks at how the Japanese and Germans waged war with the backing of an enthusiastic populace...well, karma.
The Glittering Eye:Why haven’t we captured Osama bin Laden? Dave asks the question, and attempts an answer.
For non-Council,the winner was Declaration of Independence: A Fisking: Outside The Beltway
Second place honors went to The Shape of Days: Sometimes even the good ones lose their way
Hearty kudos to all the winners!
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