Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.. - Peter Townshend in 'Won't Get Fooled Again'
Egypt's Mohammed Morsi has assumed dictatorial powers for himself in Egypt, decreeing that what's left of Egypt's courts are now barred from challenging any of his decisions.
This means that under Morsi's direction,Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and salifist dominated parliament is free to write a brand new sharia-liciuous constitution with anything in it they see fit.
Morsi further declared that he can do anything he wants to 'protect Egypt's revolution' :
In what was interpreted by rights activists as a de facto declaration of emergency law, one of Morsi's decrees gave him the power to take "due measures and steps" to deal with any "threat" to the revolution, national unity and safety or anything that obstructs the work of state institutions.
Morsi framed his decisions as necessary to protect the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak nearly two years ago and to cement the nation's transition to democratic rule. Many activists, including opponents of the Brotherhood, criticize the judiciary as packed with judges and prosecutors sympathetic to Mubarak. Brotherhood supporters accuse the courts of trying to block their agenda.
"He had to act to save the country and protect the course of the revolution," said one of Morsi's aides, Pakinam al-Sharqawi, speaking on Al-Jazeera. "It is a major stage in the process of completing the January 25th revolution," she said, alluding to the starting day of last year's uprising against Mubarak.
In other words, what we have now is exactly what Egypt had under Mubarak, right down to the declaration of permanent martial law with the same 'emergency laws Egypt had under Mubarak, backed up by the army and financed by American aid.
The only differences are that the army is officered now by hardline Islamists and that under sharia rule, women and Copts will have even less rights.As will people in general.
Oh, and one more thing. Rest assured this move by Morsi was approved by President Obama and Secretary Clinton beforehand.Egypt is too badly in need of U.S. aid for Morsi not to do so.
Anyone remember this, written back when the media and the Obama Administration was telling us all about the glorious, democratic Arab Spring?
Just watch what happens.
1 comment:
"Meet the new boss...same as the old boss." At least the old boss at least some what made an attempt to curtail Islamic terrorists and their supporteres. The new boss does not seem to be doing this.
Even if the US had backed the old boss with every thing that it had, Mubarak's government could not have been saved. Once the military chose not to back Mubarak, his fate was sealed. There was nothing the US could have done.
Any attempt on America's part to save Mubarak would have been futile even if it wanted to do so, which it likely did not for two basic reasons. 1.) It makes little sense to back a side that has no chance of winning risking enimity with the side that will win. 2.)The US is heavily influenced by Islamists and their sympathizers by leaders in both major political parties who are sympathetic to them.
The better course of action would have been for America to say out of the coup entirely. Allow the factions to sort things out. Its highly likely the MB prevails but at least they would likely be weakened some in te struggle that would have ensued. This would make them much easier to deal with.
Unfortunately by conducting business the way we did we have an emboldened MB who is not likely to be cooperative with us nor is there any counterweight to them. Given that the MB was going to win regardless what we did or did not do I can at least understand why the US government made the decisions that were made but I don't agree with it. By far and away the best course of action would have been for us to stay out of the coup entirely.
Any moves Egypt makes are not going to be "approved" by the US government. If American officials attempted such a thing, they'd be shown the door forthwith. America needs Eqyptian cooperation even in a limited fashion far more than Egypt needs the aid. As such, the aid continues to come in and will probably increase.
This is going to be the case until America restructures its economy and its military to reflect the realities of the early second decade of the 21st century. There will likely be some pain as America makes the necessary adjustments but there is no time like the present to get started!! Its doable but it requires the right leadership that is resolute, positive, and forward thinking. If its not done soon it may be to late!!
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