Every week, the Watcher's Council members nominate two posts each, one from the Council members and one from outside for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week's Council nominations can be found at the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels
Do take the time and check out the non-Council links..they are always rewarding.
Caveat: This was done just after Weekend Monkey and me polished off a pitcher or so of Sauza margaritas to kick off Independence Day. My apologies for any typos or errors in understanding...Okay, I can read your minds - `oh, so this week he has an excuse, hmm?'
Here's this week's Council lineup:
1. JoshuaPundit: Guess Where Your President Was Wednesday Morning..Insh'allah In this piece, I let you know how frustrated ( well, that's one word for it) I am over a certain high profile outing of President Bush's in the midst of trying to cram the amnesty legislation down America's throat.When it comes to radical Islam as exported to America by some of the President's `eternal friends',
the president continues, unfortunately, to say one thing and do another.
Don't think it hasn't been noticed by our enemies.
I personally think that the president's attitude - let's be charitable and call it a huge blind spot - has much to with the status of our war effort, the mood of the country and his current unpopularity. People sense the hypocrisy.
Where did President Bush go, who was there and what amazing thing is he proposing to do? Read and find out.
2. Done With Mirrors; With SnarkCallimachus' contribution concerns his definition of the word `snark'..and his disgust with it.His disgust with the current state of political discourse in America is evident, and well founded...as well as nicely written.
3. Soccer Dad: The terror under the carpet I never know quite what to make of the WAPO. Unlike the NYT,which is almost reliably excreble, the WAPO comes out with stories and editorials that almost make you think they're a normal rational haven of ideas and news..and then they'll run an apologia for Hamas or something.
Such a case in point is Scott Wilson's piece, expertly dissected by Soccer Dad.
One of the reasons the `Palestinians' are in such a miserable plight is because of people like Wilson, who enable them by not holding them responsible for the choices they've made..let alone insisting on any consequences!
4. The Glittering Eye :That Reason Should Rule This week, The Glittering Eye's Dave Schuler plows some similar ground to Callimachus this week, wondering about the state of the American electorate and of political discourse in this country.
July 4th is a fitting time to remind us that our history shows that the American people can almost always be relied to pick the right leadership in times of great challenges. Trust their instincts.
5. Bookworm Room: Condescension as Bigotry Ms. Bookworm got a snootfull of the recent democratic debate,and she didn't much like what she smelled. As my friend Weekend Monkey said in his critique on this, `that wasn't a debate..that was a lapdance! I was waiting for Hillary to break into her mammy accent."
Ms.Bookworm takes this nonsense apart in typically erudite fashion.
The phenomenon of racism on the Left is pretty well established, and manifests itself in any number of ways.
6. The Libby Commutation Greg writes about the president commuting the sentence of ex-Dick Cheney aid Scooter Libby, and has a nice take on it. In his view,while this was a travesty of justice, Bush should have given Libby a reprieve pending his appeal and allowed the case to go forward so Libby could be exonerated.
Considering that this was an `offense' predicated on a non-crime, I think he's right.
Sidebar: Patrick Fitzgerald and Scooter Libby have a long and acrimonious relationship going back to when they went head to head over the Mark Ritchie pardon during the Clinton era. Don't think for a moment that this didn't have an impact in why Fitzgerald pursued Libby so relentlessly.
7.Colossus of Rhodey:Democrat Debate Thy Name Is "Irony" Hube likewise looks at the so-called `debate' at Howard and saw it as a ridiculous exercise in pandering and hypocrisy.
8. Right Wing Nut House : Cage Match: Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism Rick's piece du jour concerns the findings of Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, author of `Bowling Alone' who's research indicates that multiculturalism and forced diversity have a devastating short- and medium-term effect on communities and their ability to sustain themselves.
And Rick takes evil pleasure in Putnam's squeamishness on releasing his findings because it might become ammunition for the evil, knuckle draggin' assimilationists on the Right.
In a multicultural society,I think the best way to function is to concentrate on shared values, communication and experiences...a common language, baseball, love of home, hearth, family, low taxes, alcohol and firearms, that sort of thing. America used to do that quite well.
Balkanizing Americans by highlighting their differences is how the Elites divide and rule, and how `activists' afford those 5 star hotels and $3,000 suits.
9. Cheat Seeking Missiles: Quote of the Day: Islamophobia Edition Laer has a fine piece this week on the UK bombings and PM Gordon Brown and co's unbelievable reaction.
It reminds me of the old Fawlty Tower's bit `ssh,don't mention the war!' Only in this case it's `sssh, don't mention the Muslims.' (Ok,I snuck the title of my own piece on this in here. Shoot me..)
As Laer writes, what makes more sense? Waiting for the moderate Muslims to come forward? Or simply realizing that our `Islamophobia' and suspicion about things Islamic is justified because of the violence they seem to be addicted to?'
10. Big Lizards: Spin City,Here We Come Dafydd Ab Hugh writes a long and well done piece on why the defeat of the Amnesty bill is not the victory people like me claim it is.
I hadn't seen this before tonite, but there are a number of people writing the same sort of doom and gloom post mortem. I actually addressed this in an article this week, and interested parties are welcome to read it here, as a followup to Dafydd's fine piece if they feel so disposed.
11.The Education Wonks:This I believe EdWonk comes out with nothing less than a political manifesto in honor of our nation's birthday. Well done and amen, Edwonk!
12. Live Earth's Al Gore -- A Pompous Piece O'...- at ‘Okie’ on the Lam Okie performs his own version of the `Okie Dokie Stomp' on Mr 'Do-what-I-say-or-you're-all-gonna-die's fat head. ( and I bet Okie actually knows that song,too!)
He has an outrageous and fun time fisking the `Live Aid' concert scam and Algore's inflated ego...I laughed out loud when I read it.
That's this week's lineup..enjoy
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