Every week, the Watcher's Council members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. As you know, our infamous leader,the Watcher of Weasels retired and is now our leader emeritus. Last week, I hosted the Council here. This week, the Council is being hosted by none other than my pal Soccer Dad and a full list of entries can be found there.
Do take the time to check out the non-Council links available at the Watcher's site as well - they're always worthwhile.
COUNCIL NEWS: This communal hosting should come to an end within the next week or so. The members convened and are finishing up the final details of whom our new leader will be and where the Council will be hosted, and a brand new and exciting chapter in the saga of the Watcher's Council will begin shortly. The members have done superb work in coming to a consensus and doing the necessary work to support each other in making this happen. More updates shortly.
So here's this week's Council lineup...enjoy!
JoshuaPundit - Why Maliki Suddenly Wants A US Withdrawal From Iraq - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his national security advisor Mowaffak al-Rubaie made headlines recently by calling for a timetable for the withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq. This represents a 180 degree reversal in position from the earlier agreements between the Iraqi governbment and the Bush Administration back in February, and I think there's more here than meets the eye...
Wolf Howling - Deconstructing the Socialists War On Law & Order In Britain - GW has a long and erudite post on how the Labour Party's multicultural approach has affected public safety and crime in the UK.
Done with Mirrors - Who knew? - Callimachus has an unbelievably wicked post this week on public perceptions versus facts. As an example, he contrasts the public posturing today as prescient sages by senators who voted against the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 with their actual words in the Senate chambers at that time.
As Cal reveals, virtually all of them agreed that Saddam had WMDs and that he was actively pursuing nuclear weapons. Which makes their decisions to vote against the bill while recognizing that even more questionable. Amazing.
The Glittering Eye - "Vice President Gores 'Space Race' Energy Plan (Updated)" - Dave Schuler fisks Al Gore's grandiose plan for a “space race” effort for the U. S. to produce 100% of its electricity using carbon-free means in the next decade. As he correctly points out, the problems involved are completely different.
Bookworm Room - The moral of the story - is exactly what Ms. Bookworm feels made a great deal of classic literature so great, and modern attempts to 're-make' tales like Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice to exclude the obvious moral lessons so shallow. I think she's on to something here.
Rhymes with Right - Dems Email Hillary Supporters: We Own You -- Now Support Barack! - Greg focuses on an e-mail by the DNC castigating Democrat supporters of Ms. Clinton to shut up, quit whining and get back on the plantation.
While I agree with him that this was fairly arrogant and heavy handed, it's also simple politics and to be expected. We'll see how this plays out as the campaign unfolds.
Cheat Seeking Missiles - Obama in Berlin: Wrong City, Wrong Time - The Chosen One decided to reach for additional gravitas by emulating Reagan and Kennedy by speaking in Berlin. Laer tends to agree with Tony Campbell that a more impressive and meaningful choice would have been Mecca, given our modern adversaries.
Of course, if Obama was really being truthful with us, his speech in Berlin would have started out by saying 'Ich bin ein beginner!'
Colossus of Rhodey - Yet another rant - Ah. golf...remember Hube, whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad. And that's why the game was invented...
Hillbilly White Trash - Can America "Get it back?" - Lemuel wonders whether America can get its groove back and appears pessimistic about it.
The Razor - Speak truth to power - just not to educators - Scott recounts the tale of a child in his native Delaware essentially denied access to public schools because of racially tinged bullying. Like the parent of the child in question, he plans to move in the near future to escape dysfunctional public schools.
Soccer Dad - Horribly Wrong Part II - Our host Soccer Dad writes about an absolutely disgusting piece by McClatchy Middle East correspondent Dion Nissenbaum whitewashing child murderer and terrorist Samir Kuntar, who was the major part of the idiotic live-terrorists-for dead-bodies swap between Israel and Hezbollah.
It still astounds me (although it shouldn't at this point) that all the Arabs need do is allege or state something to attempt to defend or rationalize the most horrific crimes for it to be repeated by the dinosaur media as an equal 'fact' and part of a 'balanced narrative', no matter what the objective truth of the matter is.
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