Short takes is my way of cramming a lot into a small space for you..kind of like the young gentleman above is doing! Here's a brief rundown of some of today's items of interest for Joshua's Army:
*Behind Maliki's Games - Max Boot in the Washington Post does an important recap on Iraqi PM Maliki and his actions and provides some analysis for his recent statements that pretty much falls in line to some degree with my own..that Maliki is hedging his bets in case Obama wins in November and engaged in hardline bargaining between the US and Iran.
As Boot remarks, it's fascinating to see the same Democrats who derided him as a corrupt and inept tool of the Bush Administration and openly insulted him now treat his every word as sacrosanct .
*The Arctic may hold 90 billion barrels of oil, more than all the known reserves of Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Mexico combined and enough to supply U.S. demand for 12 years, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. One third of it is located in Alaskan territory,and it's there just waiting for us.
*Hillaryitis Victor Hansen Davis cautions McCain about playing Obama's game on Iraq.
*MEMRI TV has a video of an amazing occurance...a birthday party and celebration by Al-Jazeera in honor of released murderer Samir Kuntar, a man who shot a father in front of his little girl and then dashed her brains out on a rock with his rifle butt.
Normally these scum are a bit more careful, but this time their bloodlust apparently got better of them..especially since it's for the home town jihad crowd, in Arabic
(with subtitles by MEMRI).
Yes, this is the value these people put on innocent life...this is how they really feel about us. Be forewarned.
*Putting Money Where Mouths Are: Media Donations Favor Dems 100-1 the Investor's Business Daily points out yet another indication of how in the tank the dinosaur media is for Obama.
*There's some good news from Washington DC today. The new intelligence bill passed in the House originally contained a provision banning the use of terms like''jihadi", "Islamist," "mujahadeen," "caliphate", "Islamic terrorist" etc. by government officials in referring to certain activities by members of the Religion Of Peace.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra, a stalwart in the War On Jihad and the ranking Republican Member of the House Intelligence Committee got an amendment tacked on that essentially eliminated that provision. Even more important, the House votes on this provision give us a clear picture of which Congressmen have their heads screwed on straight on this issue and whom does not.
It passed by the margin of 249-180 (with 10 abstentions).
I've seen commentary to the effect that this was a bad idea,because it `offends Muslims' and creates problems in the all important hearts-and-minds battle. I would respond by saying that bombings, beheading, targeting women and children for murder, teaching and preaching hatred and prosecution of non-Muslims and jihadi rhetoric making all this 'holy' offend me and ought to offend any decent Muslim as well. I'm perfectly willing to stop when they do, and jihad only manifests itself as intjihad , an inner spiritual struggle. Until then, I'm all for truth in labeling.
*Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh won a vote of confidence in the Indian Parliament today, which paves the way for the US -India nuclear deal to go through.President Bush plans to have it in Congress for ratification before the end of his term.
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