Every week, the Watcher's Council members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week's Council nominations can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels
Do take the time to check out the non-Council links available at the Watcher's site as well - they're always worthwhile.
So here's this week's Council lineup...enjoy!
Narcissism In Another Color Joshuapundit - This week, I was struck by a Fourth of July attempt in Denver to substitute something else for our national anthem...and I have a few things to say about it.
Che Away Done With Mirrors- a very entertaining post this week from Callimachus, regarding the use of the image of the terrorist murderer Che Guevara to trick some of his modern disciples.
Identifying Obama's Real Position on the Second Amendment (Updated) Wolf Howling - GW tries to figure out the Official Obama Position on gun rights...er, as of the date of writing. I have to give him credit for the attempt...these things can change in the wink of a teleprompter with Obama!
You May Now Assume the Risk Soccer Dad - This week, Soccer Dad looks at a particularly odious example of the New York Times hypocrisy - attempting to justify revealing the identity in print of the covert American CIA agent who successfully interrogated Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the terrorist behind 9/11 after the CIA begged them not to.
Remember, these are the same treasonous scum who hyperventilated over the supposed 'outing' of Valerie Plame, a CIA functionary who's supposedly covert occupation was known even to her neighbors.
American Whining and the Culture of Dependency The Razor - This week Scott again tackles a new take on the nanny state and focuses on a particularly odious newspaper piece celebrating July Fourth by telling us how miserable we all are.
Another Disgusting Philly Inquirer Op-Ed The Colossus of Rhodey - This week Hube fisks an op-ed that had the audacity to try to justify Wesley Clark's gratuitous insulting of John McCain.
Economic Illiteracy Venting The Glittering Eye - Dave spells out a few basic economic facts..and deplores that many self-styled experts seem unaware of them.
Some Hope for the High Court Hillbilly White Trash - Lemuel spells out a possible strategy for conservatives in dealing with probable upcoming nominations.
Does Patriotism Matter? Cheat Seeking Missiles - Laer was struck as I and apparently other Council members were by several blatantly anti-patriotic activities and screeds in print by the Angry Left in an attempt to disparage our nation's birthday. Laer does a fine job in framing the question implied in his title and answering it. What you don't appreciate, you deserve to lose, and you can't count on somebody else to pay the freight for you forever.
Socialized Medicine Bookworm Room - The ever scintillating Ms. Bookworm takes a brief look at Socialized medicine across the pond.
New Solution To An Old Problem The Education Wonks - This week EdWonk looks at the problem of bullying in school, and believes he sees a remedy...lawsuits and restraining orders. One thing to note, EdWonk.. once the lawyers and courts get a hold of something like this, it spirals out of all recognition , along with the baggage of 'hate speech' and thought crime offenses, expert witnesses for hire and all the other sleazy things the legal profession is capable of to justify their outsize presence in American life..and their fees.
My apologies to any conscientious and ethical lawyers reading this (sorry, Books!)...but I think we all know exactly what I'm talking about.
Obama Speaks -- Selectively -- Of His Faith Journey Rhymes With Right - This week Greg writes about Barack Obama's attempt to siphon off some faith based votes by being very selective about his spiritual journey - leaving out the bits about Rev Wright and Trinity UCC. Simply astounding.
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