The Palestinians had a 'Welcome to Israel' greeting for President Bush today, scoring a direct hit on a crowded shopping mall in Ashkelon, Israel with a Grad (Katyhusha) military rocket made in Iran.
The Palestinian rocket was fired from the former Israeli community of Dugit in Gaza, and reportedly hit just as President Bush was finishing a conversation up with Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert...no doubt on the necessity of turning more land over to the Palestinians and removing the Jews living there 'for peace', just like in Gaza.
I'm sure it's gratifying for the president to spend time with a politician who's poll ratings make the president's look like widespread approval.
Of the 14 people listed as injured, four people were seriously hurt including a mother and her four-month old baby and another mother and her 3 year-old daughter. Two women suffered moderate injuries - which is shorthand in the Israeli media for anything from shrapnel wounds to the loss of a limb or eye - and the rest of the victims suffered lesser injuries, including a number of children who were hanging out at the mall. Four people had to be dug out of the debris.
Security minister Avi Dichter and trade and industry minister Eli Yishai made the decision to opt out of the gala banquet in President Bush’s honor and make a quick trip to Ashkelon instead.
This is the third major strike in about a week, with the last ones claiming two fatalities.
This won't end until the Israelis resolve to end it, once and for all...and probably with far better leadership than they now have.
And as far as President Bush and Condi Rice's fantasy about creating a democratic Palestinian state living on peace next to Israel by removing Jews from Judea and Samaria, that's probably going to turn out as well as Gaza did.....and the Israelis are suicidally insane if they go along with it in the slightest degree.
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