It's all over the internet by now how Mellisa Harris-Perry and her cohorts over at MSNBC made a racist attack on the Romney family, mocking Mitt and Anne's adopted black grandchild.Standard operating procedure for MSNBC.
But then something rather marvelous happened.
Deep inside of her,there's still a core of decency, and it was sickened at what she had done.
The very next day,first thing in the morning, she went on Twitter (and on the air, for all that I know)and issued a heart felt apology, as she put it 'without reservation.' She said there were no excuses for her behavior , and made a point in a subsequent tweet that "I work by guiding principle that those who offend do not have the right to tell those they hurt that they r wrong for hurting. Therefore, while I meant no offense, I want to immediately apologize to the Romney family for hurting them"
She also tweeted, "I apologize to all families built on loving transracial adoptions who feel I degraded their lives or choices."
In other words, a real apology, not a Barack Obama-style 'sorry if you were inconvenienced or something because I lied' apology.
I know for a fact that she wasn't ordered to do so by the suits at MSNBC, who've let far worse stuff go.And it's not like the Romneys had any ratings clout like Sarah Palin does. She simply did it because it was the right thing to do.
And I respect that.It would have been far easier for her to just wallow in the 'attagirls' from her Leftist cohorts and say nothing.
The apology, hopefully, is just a first step for her.Real teshuvah, repentance involves not only recognizing what you've done and doing your best to fix it,but to learn something from it so you don't repeat your misdeed, to spend some soul time thinking 'Why did I do that? How can I avoid doing it again'?
Whatever else we might disagree with, I have a feeling I and Ms. Harris-Perry would agree on that. So I wish Melissa Harris-Perry the very best in that endeavor of self-examination.
i certainly hope ff recovers from hitting himself in the head with that solid oak door.
because for all of your understanding and optimism, nothing that you say about this harris-twit-perry, is true.
the only reason the btch said anything is because of all the other so-called white celebrities who have adopted black children.
the msnbc round table must have tweeked a nerve about the johanssen kid, or one of angelina's or one of madonna's kids. maybe even someone on msnbc's staff has adopted a black kid, and the round table didn't know anything about it.
either way, this has absolutely nothing to do with romney.
The apology, hopefully, is just a first step for her.Real teshuvah, repentance involves not only recognizing what you've done and doing your best to fix it,but to learn something from it so you don't repeat your misdeed, to spend some soul time thinking 'Why did I do that? How can I avoid doing it again'?
And then you immediately put up a comment by some genius who calls Ms. Perry a bitch. Way to go, son.
Hi Louie,
I see it a little differently.The tweeted apologies were done first thing in the morning, and as I've noted, they were real apologies, not the usual faux ones. Given that she's black and on MSNBC, I doubt any celebrities of the sort you mentioned would have said anything even if they had noticed.
I could be wrong, but I think she honestly showed some proper remorse for what she did. How deep it goes or what comes next is up to her,but that remains to be seen. I'm reacting to what's happened thus far.
Take care, OK?
Hello Anonymous, and Happy New Year!
I love these cute handles you come up's obvious you put a huge amount of time and thought into them.
Now, speaking of irony...since you've been commenting here awhile, you know that there are a lot of comments here whose views and language I don't agree with. In fact - and here's some really rib tickling irony for you - you're one of the worst offenders!
Can you recall all the vile names you've called me and others on this site? Like Bristol Palin, a young woman you hate and ridicule simply because of whom her mom is, whose worst offense was to fall in love with the wrong guy and get pregnant? Now, she decided to do her own form of repentance by not taking the easy way out and aborting the baby but raising it lovingly as a single mom. And now she donates part of her time to telling young girls about her mistake and how they take steps to avoid it. Hardly a fit target for sliming, wouldn't you say?
Now, I personally don't take offense at what you call me, because, well, ya gotta consider the source.
But it doesn't put you in a good light to accuse others of the same stuff you do on a regular basis, y'know? It's umm, ironic.
Just trying to help.
Can you recall all the vile names you've called me and others on this site? Like Bristol Palin, a young woman you hate and ridicule
I'm afraid that you have me confused with someone else. In the times I've commented on your site, I've never had to use vile names. As for Bristol Palin, I couldn't care less about her. If you can prove that I've written something mean about her (and you can't), show me the comment I made. That challenge alone will keep this comment from seeing the light of day. Again, exposing you to facts enrages you for some reason. Bristol and her mom are washed-up reality show stars (all reality show stars wash up eventually) and I don't care for reality shows. And her pregnancy was a good thing in my opinion. I haven't had to hear a single republican whine about teenage pregnancy since she came on the scene. So show me the 'vile name' I called her. I can't find a vile comment about her by me or anyone else your archives. Now you and louielouie on the other hand have called democratic women every name in the book.
THAT is what we call irony.
Why hello Anonymous!
As always, your comments bring a smile and a chuckle. Let's see why:
1)"I'm afraid that you have me confused with someone else."
Based on the syntax, the language and the use of cute handles, I don't think so. But of course, since unlike me you continue to remain anonymous, no one can really tell if you're telling the truth, can they? To use that old schoolyard comeback, you're saying it's so doesn't make it so - now does it?
2)"If you can prove that I've written something mean about her (and you can't), show me the comment I made."
Oh, this is rich, really. We both know that there are a number of your comments (or to be fair, those of others who think and write curiously like you) I've had to unfortunately delete, because they contain profanity,threats (those were turned over to law enforcement) slander, deliberate know the kind of stuff I'm talking about. On a couple of occasions, Bristol Palin, not to mention her Mom was referred to using the "C" word, among other things. So the worst of this stuff no longer even exists in cyber space. I'll be kind and say that if you were the guilty party, maybe on a couple of occasions you let your anger get the better of you. Happens to the best of us. Oh, and BTW, that 'washed up reality show star' still draws record crowds whenever she speaks, writes bestsellers and had enough ratings clout to get Martin Bashir fired. I'd love to be that 'washed up', wouldn't you?
3)"I can't find a vile comment about her by me or anyone else your archives."
Just a word of advice...before you write this stuff, try to make sure it's at least semi-plausible. My archives can be searched by article title and topic,but the search engine excludes comments, so there's no possible way you could do so unless you went over each article individually. If you did so, I'm flattered, but forgive my skepticism, I kind of doubt you did.
4)"Now you and louielouie on the other hand have called democratic women every name in the book."
I suppose it depends on your definition of vile names. I can't speak for LouieLouie, but as a matter of practice, I avoid misogynist insults, although it appears from this comment that LouieLouie at least used the "b" word here.I chose to allow it, simply because it's a fairly mild insult and what he has to say is valuable, as it usually is.
And since this site belongs to me,my choice is what counts.
Also, I know LouieLouie fairly well, he's a long-time reader who donates to the site, and I know where to get in touch with him if there's something problematic about a comment. You, I don't know at all.That makes a big difference.
Have a nice day, OK? And thanks for making me smile ;)
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