Palestinian terrorists struck again in Jerusalem today.
The first attack occurred when a Palestinian driver the plowed his truck into a crowd of people at a light rail station along the seam-line between East and West Jerusalem late Wednesday morning, killing a Border Police officer, and injuring 14 more people, one of them critically.
Ironically, the police officer was a Druze, an Arab from Beit Jann, a Druze village.Border Police officer Jedan Assad (HY"D, May G-d avenge his blood) was a father to a three-year-old son, and his wife is five months pregnant. His father said later that Assad “loved his service, and loved Jerusalem.”
I guarantee you their will be hundreds of Israelis, both Duze and Jews at his funeral.
His murderer has been identified as 48-year-old Ibrahim al-Akary from Shuafat in East Jerusalem. He hit several pedestrians at a light rail station on the corner of Bar Lev and Shimon Ha’Zadik streets, close to the Border Police headquarters on Route 1, and then continued driving along the tracks, hitting several cars along the way until finally crashing to a halt.
Here's a link to footage of bystanders at the light rail stop being run down by Akary, as they tried to get out of the way of the speeding van. This footage is graphic and not for the fainthearted.
He then got out of his white commercial van, carrying a metal bar, and began attacking a group of policemen before Border Police at the scene shot and killed him. Needless to say, this murderer is a hero to Hamas/Fatah.
His brother, Musa Muhammad al-Akary, served 19 years in an Israeli prison for the 1992 kidnapping and murder of IDF soldier Nissim Toledano in Lod. He was released in the 2011 deal that ransomed kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit from Hamas captivity.
The second attack took place near the Gush Etzion junction, when a Palestinian drove a truck with Palestinian plates into a group of three IDF soldiers standing near a checkpoint by al-Arroub. They suffered moderate-to-severe injuries according to Magen David Adom rescue personnel. The families have reportedly been notified.
The vehicle escaped towards Hebron, and Israeli security forces are searching the area and placing barricades to catch the suspect. Needless to say,Mahmoud Abbas's Security forces aren't going to turn the terrorist in.
It also should be no surprise that the U.S. ambassador to Israel,Dan Shapiro made the usual meaningless condemnation and then called for Israel to ‘act with restrain and lower tensions.’
“It’s a very tense time in Jerusalem, especially around the holy sites. We think this is a time when everyone, and we’re calling on to act with restraint, to lower the tensions, not to engage in provocations, either word or deed, and to make very clear that violence is never acceptable.
"That’s the leadership that’s needed right now to prevent a further deterioration of the situation in Jerusalem, and we’re working with all sides to try to achieve that."
Of course the Obama Administration is working with both sides.are they telling Mahmoud Abbas to stop incitement or lose all that U.S. funding for Hamas/Fatah? Of course not. It's only Israel who needs to act with restraint, and avoid 'provocation', which apparently occurs simply because Jews are in Jerusalem at all.
The answer the Israelis have come up with so far is to place concrete barriers at train stops so vehicles can't injure people waiting for the trains. That's fine as a quick fix but doesn't solve the problem.
Some of the Israeli leadership may still be in denial, but they need to face up to the fact that this is the Third Intifada. And just like the second one, it was planned long in advance and merely awaited a convenient excuse to launch it. The provacation Ambasador Shapiro spoke about is not coming from Israel, but from Hamas/Fatah. And if th eU.S refuses to curb them, it's up to Israel to do so.
It's time to start cracking down hard on terrorism in Israel's capital. Enough.
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