Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Mohammed Cartoons...


Anonymous said...

can u write or make a caricatur about the holocoast or anti- samism "anti-jews" or any paper in the west do it?!!!!
where is ur speech freedom
NB: "i'm not muslim, i'm boudhist".
Dr.Amitab Dharma

Rosey said...

Thanks for posting these, so we can see what the rukus is over.

Freedom Fighter said...

Dr. Dharma, you have a one track posted this same thing three times!

Please check your other comments for my answer, and the examples I gave.

smugboard said...

It is good to see that my own site is not the only site that sees the threat that Islam represents to the civilised world. well done

Anonymous said...

This is so racist! im a muslim myself and i cant believe what im seeing! Im dsgusted to see these. Just because you all know that islam is the right religion UNLIKE budhism, hindu and all the other crap doesnt mean u start a fued against us!!!!

Freedom Fighter said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for giving us all a superb example of EXACTLY what the problem is with many Muslims (not all thankfully)- the arrogant attitude that only Islam is worthy of consideration and above criticism because, of course, 'it's the right religion, unliike that other crap.'

Talk about racism! Which is ridiculous anyway, because the last time I checked, Islam wasn't a 'race.'

It is Muslims with your attitude that started the so-called feud..about 1400 years ago at the behest of your prophet and leader.

And THAT'S the problem that needs to be dealt with.

Unknown said...

why they do that?!!!the islam respect the other religens,for example if some one make a caricatur on jesus or mosas they will fight him like they did for mohamed caricaturs.islam is religen of respect and peace,they didn't comes to you to fight you in your land,you comes to them,you kill their children,raped their women,still them oil,you do like you did to the african in the past,nothing change you still berber,and the worst thing you think that you have right to do that to them and they didn't have the right to fight back?!!!why?this is the equals,this is the human right...they said that muslim anti samism,the muslim protect the jewish from the christian in 13 century,in Morocco,tunisia,egypt.who do the holokost(the christian)not the who is the anti samism,who is the berber?!!!who have atomic bomb and he use it to kill woman and childrens and animals and every kind of life?!!!who is the true terrorist?!!that the question you must have answer...

Freedom Fighter said...

Hi Fayssal,

Just for the record I refused to participate in the recent Everybody Draw Mohammed Day for reasons you might find interesting.

Actually, it is Islam that doesn't respect other religions. They were and are forced to live as second class citizens under sharia as dhimmis, with few rights.

What happens to anyone worshiping Christianity today in Saudi Arabia,or a large chunk of the rest of the Muslim world?

It was Muslims who ethnically cleansed Jews from the countries they control - almost a million of them - after 1948.

And speaking of the Holocaust, the Arabs supported the Nazis during WWII and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem planned a death camp with Eichmann for the Jews of Palestine in Nablus.

I want Muslims to show the same tolerance for non-Muslims as Muslims show to them, and I want decent Muslims to loudly condemn genocidal groups like Hamas and hezbollah and to fight against the sort of people that perpetrated 9/11, Beslan, Bali, Mumbai and hundreds of other atrocities..for their own sake, ultimately.

So far, all I mostly hear is yours.
