Sorry, Condi..what's the Arabic for `no sale'?
Our eternal friends the Saudis joined our other `ally' Egypt in rebuffing US Secretry of State Condi Rice's efforts to isolate the new Hamas government.
Saudi Arabia refused Wednesday to join an American effort to deny foreign aid to a Palestinian government led by Hamas, the second Arab ally in two days to rebuff Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Prince Saud al-Faisal told the United States on Wednesday that the Saudis plan to continue sending approximately $15 million a month to the Palestinian government.
The Egyptians were even blunter about it, as Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said the world should not prejudge Hamas and voiced support for the new Islamist government.
Rice is in the region attempting to drum up support for U.N. Security Council actions against Iran over its nuclear programs. Prince Saud said Saudi Arabia wanted to free the region of nuclear weapons but "there is no proof yet that they are producing atomic weapons. They deny this. They've denied it many times to us."
I guess that's the official line from Riyadh.
Interesting though, considering that the Saudis themselves possess IBCM's bought from China, and were specifically exempted by President Bush's influence from any IAEA oversight.
What most over here don’t realize is they are Muslim first and then the allegiance to their country. So they will support Hamas no matter what and they don’t need the infidel’s money
Very true. Or as I would put it,their first allegiance is to the Muslim ummah and to jihad.
Especially against Israel, because the `Palestinians' and the War Against the Jews is a primary distraction used by the leadership in some of these countries to divert anger from the dysfunctional societies and parasitic leadership of many Arab countries.
If Israeldidn't exist, the Arabs would have had to invent it.
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