Al Qaeda's own wackmeister Osama bin-Laden went public again in a tape aired on (where else?) jihad TV, AKA Al Jazeera.
This time,the Big Enchilada focused on urging Muslims to prepare for a long war against any Westerners fighting the Muslim genocide in Darfur.
He also weighed in on the West's shunning of the Hamas Palestinian government, saying it showed that it was waging a "Crusader-Zionist war" on Muslims.
If only.
Following are translated excerpts (and a few comments from me) from the audio tape broadcast, courtesy of al-Reuters:
"Their (the West's) rejection of Hamas affirms that it is a Crusader-Zionist war against Muslims. Having said that, we reaffirm what Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahri said warning that there is a taboo against joining infidel assemblies (parliaments)."
"The war is a responsibility shared between the people and the governments. The war goes on and the people are renewing their allegiance to its rulers and masters. They send their sons to armies to fight us and they continue their financial and moral support while our countries are burned and our houses are bombed and our people are killed and no one cares for us. What your ally, Israel, did by invading and demolishing the Jericho prison with complicity from the United States and Britain is example enough about the flagrant violations against our nation and brothers."
(yes, yes, I's all about the Jooos. Zawahiri's dictum, BTW, comes directly from the Qu'ran. Here's two out of many available samples:
'So choose not friends from them till they forsake their beliefs in the way of Allah; ...and choose no friend nor helper from among them'- 4:89
`O ye who believe! Choose not My enemy and your enemy for allies. Do ye give them friendship when they disbelieve in that truth which hath come unto you, driving out the messenger and you because ye believe in Allah, your Lord ? If ye have come forth to strive in My way and seeking My good pleasure, (show them not friendship). Do ye show friendship unto them in secret, when I am Best Aware of what ye hide and what ye proclaim ? And whosoever doeth it among you, he verily hath strayed from the right way.' -60:1
Oddly enough, the end result of the agreement which put Palestinian terrorists in `prison' in Jericho under Brtish and American monitors in the first place, and the breach of that agreement by the Arabs which led to the Israelis having to take these murderers into Israeli custody is an excellent example of the Muslim regard for agreements with non-believers. Couldn't wish for a bette real world example of why `treaties' and agreements with Muslim `allies' are a futile gesture.)
After "the Ottoman state was divided into tens of countries ... Britain came to separate Sudan from Egypt and returned again to Sudan trying to separate its south so it formed an army from the people of the south and supported it with money, weapons and expertise and directed them to demand secession from Sudan, then the United States adopted this army with moral and material support through its international tools such as the United Nations and applied pressure on the government of Sudan to sign an unjust agreement that allows the south to break away after six years from signing the deal."
(Hmmm...I think OBL is talking about the futile UN attempts to stop the Islamic jihad against the black Christians of the South Sudan. To OBL,of course, dem black folks are just dhimmis and the lawful property of the superior Muslims in the North of the country...particularly when the Arabs have all that oil to sell to people like China.)
"Let (Sudanese President Omar Hassan) al-Bashir and (U.S. President George W. Bush) Bush know that this agreement is not worth the ink in which it was written with and does not oblige us in the least. The United States did not get enough with all of this strife and crimes but went on to stir further strife, the biggest of which was its strife in Sudan; using some differences between some tribesmen, and turned them into a blind war between them that destroys all in preparation to send crusader troops to occupy the region and steal its oil under the guise of preserving security there."
(Yep...any agreement between Muslims and Kuffar aren't worth spit on a hot sidewalk. Says so in the Qu'ran)
"This is a continuous Crusader-Zionist war against Muslims. In this regard, I call on the mujahideen and their supporters in Sudan ... and the (Arabian) Peninsula to prepare all that is necessary to wage a long-term war against the Crusaders in western Sudan not in defence of the Khartoum government, even though our interests may be mutual, as our differences with it are great."
"It is enough that it abandoned the implementation of sharia law and neglected the south and I call on the mujahideen to learn about the land and tribes of the Darfur province and the parts around it. It has been said that a man with knowledge can conquer land while land can conquer the ignorant."
(OBL is a tad upset at the Sudanese government vetting a few parts of sharia law, and haven't quite managed to COMPLETELY enslave/murder the non-Muslims in the South. Such inefficiency!)
"It is worth noting that the land there is nearing a season of rain which hampers movement and blocks dirt roads; this is one of the key reasons that delayed the (Western) occupation for six more months."
"It is scornful to people that your warplanes and tanks are destroying houses over the heads of our folk and children in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Pakistan then you smile at us (Muslims) and say that we are not enemies of Islam but enemies of terrorists and call for peaceful co-existence and dialogue instead of the conflict of cultures. Reality shows that they lie."
(Again, if only.At least OBL is honest about what he calls a `conflict of cultures'. I wish our leaders were as honest.)
"The politicians of the West do not want dialogue other than for the sake of dialogue to gain time. And they do not want a truce unless it is from our side only. You have learned about our response to their opinion polls in their countries through our offer of a truce after they pull out their armies and stop harming us and they rejected all that."
"They insist on continuing their crusader campaigns against our nation and to loot our wealth and enslave us. Do not be fooled by their words or those of the hypocrites and apostates from our kin."
(Interesting, in view of the Qu'ran's official endorsement of looting the wealth and enslaving places like Darfur.)
Osama to al Jazeer recording crew: "Thanks very much guys, and I hoped I passed the audition!"
Seriously, I'm interested if OBL's emphasis on Sudan and virtual silence onIraq means that al Qaeda has given it up as a lost battle.
Stay tuned..
fighting the Muslim genocide in Darfur.
Say what??
Yeah mate, I know...if only.
Hope the weather in Oz is treating you and yours okay...worried about you all!
oh, and BTW..happy ANZAC day.
Enjoyed a lot!
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