As you know, I normally make it a point not to demonize people I disagree with...unless I find their point of view truly despicable.
That said, I couldn't be happier that Alan Colmes is 'resigning to pursue other career options' and will no longer be around to make an ass of himself on FOX's Hannity and Colmes.
Among his other asinine and puerile stances :
* Defending Iran's proxy war in Iraq against our warriors on the air, (September 24th, 2007) excusing Iran and Ahmadinejad's killing our troops by saying "“He’s supporting the Shiites, not targeting the United States.”
*Agreeing with Obama's high falutin' remarks to a bunch of San Francisco limousine Leftists about those bitter hicks in flyover country clinging to their guns and religion.
* Writing on his blog accusing Governor Sarah Palin of 'causing her son's down's syndrome' by not taking proper prenatal care of him... And then trying to make it disappear. Fortunately, a screen shot is here. For that alone he ought to have the chicken fried crap kicked out of him. Imagine, this is coming from someone who thinks it's perfectly fine to stab an almost delivered infant while it's still in the womb with surgical scissors, vacuum out the brains, collapse the head and 'deliver' the corpse in a partial birth abortion, AKA infanticide.
There's plenty more, but that will do for now.
Sean Hannity would do far better with someone with at least a shred of decency as a liberal co-host...Susan Estrich, perhaps?
As for Alan Colmes he reminds me of the sort of clown who got bitch slapped around regularly back in my high school for flapping his lips at the wrong people. I'm sure FOX will find something for him to do to finish out his contract,but as far as I'm concerned, he can crawl back under the rock from whence he came.
I think he just made liberals look bad. Might be a reason why the people at Fox and Hannity kept him around so long.
Hi Nazar,
How are you?
I wouldn't be surprised if you were right...but then,FOX has plenty of liberal voices a lot more sane and honest than Alan Cokmes, as I pointed out.
AmericanPoliticalOrphan Said...
Alan Colmes always delivered the left wing talking points on queue as if he was some kind of robot programed to speak without thinking.
I certainly won't miss him.
I enjoy your web presence. Keep up the good work.
The left-wing illuminati are not saints and do not have a good plan. They have a plan for us to lose the war and go bankrupt.
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