The Watcher's Council is a group of some of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.
So, let's see what we have this week....
Council Submissions :
Joshuapundit - Zero Hour…Iran Now Has Material For First Nuclear Bomb - Remember when all those 'experts' in the US State Department assured us Iran had ended its quest for nuclear weapons back in 2003? Guess what...they were mistaken.
And as I point out, there are various reasons why the idea of living with a nuclear armed Iran is a fallacy, and the old doctrine of mutually assured destruction doesn't apply here.
Mere Rhetoric- Obama’s Top NSA And CIA Picks: Harsh On Israel, Sympathetic To Iran And Hezbollah Omri reflects on some troubling picks by the incoming Obama administration.I'm pretty familiar with General Jones, who's ideas on positioning a NATO peacekeeping force in Judea and Samaria to prevent the IDF from pre-empting strikes by Fatah's
I'm less familiar with John Brennnan.
I would only add that as with most of Obama's presumed appointments,these two remain in the area of speculation.
Soccer Dad - My my...Mark Halperin admits to despicable media bias. I wonder if he felt the same way back when he was head of political news for ABC back in 2004 and instructed his reporters to ignore items critical to John Kerry and focus on news critical of George Bush?
Collosus of Rhodey - Culture of Whine (a rant) - As Hube points out, in the world of education everybody's a victim and self-esteem is king.
A good antidote to this stuff is to read about our warriors in Afghanistan and Iraq, who come from the same generation ( start out with my non-Council entry this week). There's where the real future of America is being built, not in places like Harvard.
The Glittering Eye - Official History - Ah,this one struck a particular chord with me. Reminds me of the old Churchill quote about his not being concerned with his place in history because he intended to write it.
Cheat-Seeking Missiles - Sunday Scan - This week Laer surveys a few things he noted on global warming vs. global cooling, the Venezuelan elections, yet another hit piece on Sarah Palin,and a few other items of interest. Nice to see Council alumnus Okie cited..
The Provocateur - Some Perspective on PNC, Fraud, and the Bailout Mike has another fine story on the Great Treasury Robbery,also known as the bail out. Now you know where your taxes are going,in a supposed 'conservative' Republican Administration.it will take som etime fo rthe GOP to recover from this malfeasance on the part of President Bush and his appointees.
Bookworm Room - Halting the Schism - Ms. Bookworm considers the rift between conservative groups and how it might be bridged.
Non-Council Submissions:
Submitted By: Mere Rhetoric - Defense Tech - The Big Three/National Security Risk Myth
Submitted By: Soccer Dad - Israelly Cool - The despicable Lauren Booth
Submitted By: The Colossus of Rhodey - Times Higher Education - Nine out of ten dogmas
Submitted By: The Glittering Eye - Serendipitous altruism - American troops in Afghanistan through the eyes of a French OMLT infantryman
Submitted By: Joshuapundit - Serendituous Altruism - American troops in Afghanistan through the eyes of a French OMLT infantryman
Submitted By: Cheat-Seeking Missiles - National Review Online - Party of Privilege
Submitted By: The Provocateur - The Daily Beast - No Stimulus From Government Spending
Submitted By: Bookworm Room - Jewish World Review - Why Reporters — and Judges and Professors — are Biased
I see that we submitted the same non-Council post. A must-read IMO. Certainly something to be thankful for.
Hi Dave,
That's where the real spirit of America will be found in the future, in them and in the ones they left behind here in the USA.
It certainly won't be found in Harvard,Yale or Columbia.
The left-wing illuminati have made some very scary picks for the new administration, and I'm afraid of where it may end.
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