According to CNN, turnout for this election was about the same as in 2004, maybe just a 1% difference...
A new report from American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate concludes that voter turnout in Tuesday’s election was the same in percentage terms as it was four years ago — or at most has risen by less than 1 percent.
The report released Thursday estimates that between 126.5 and 128.5 million Americans cast ballots in the presidential election earlier this week. Those figures represent 60.7 percent or, at most, 61.7 percent of those eligible to vote in the country.
“A downturn in the number and percentage of Republican voters going to the polls seemed to be the primary explanation for the lower than predicted turnout,” the report said. Compared to 2004, Republican turnout declined by 1.3 percentage points to 28.7 percent, while Democratic turnout increased by 2.6 points from 28.7 percent in 2004 to 31.3 percent in 2008.
There's no indication in the report on how many of these votes belonged to illegal aliens, felons and corpses.
Overall, about the same number of voters as 2004, I guess..just a lot higher price on a dollar per vote basis!
Ah yes, why not continue the subtle, and not so subtle, delegitimizing of the election. At a minimum, make certain no one is under the impression that the new President has anything even approaching a mandate for anything short of taking office. How many illegal aliens, felons and corpses. Really. . . is that an attempt at humor? Can you deal with the issues for once.
Not certain I'll even bother with Watcher's Council recommendations again after reading this stuff.
Hello EMG,
Obviously you're not familiar with Acorn's role in this campaign or their record in past ones.
Or with Obama's illegal campaign donation scam.
And yes, if you think that these items, along with a number of felons, illegal aliens and corpses voting in our election is 'humor' and isn't something that ought to thoroughly investigated and prosecuted, we obviously have a disagreement on what constitutes a threat to democracy.
But I'm certain if Obama had lost, you and your pals would be screaming bloody murder about alleged `fixed' voting machines and space aliens kidnapping Democrat voters to suppress turnout, no?
My point, of course was not to delegitimize the election although there were obviously some fraudulent aspects, but to point out that the great surge of new voters the media kept talking about was largely a myth.
Oh, and by the way, you're welcome to comment..but if you insist on expressing yourself as a rude jerk, feel free not to drop by again.I've got plenty of readers and can afford to shed you quite easily.
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