Hi Y'all..
We have some business to cover, so I'll be leaving this at the top of things for a while to make sure everybody sees it.
First off, the good stuff - JoshuaPundit has gotten a lot more popular, and it seems to be maintaining the traffic in spite of the post-election doldrums. I thank each and every one of you for patronizing this fine establishment.
Part of that traffic surge happened because a number of larger sites liked what they saw here and linked to it, and a number of you came from these sites, likewise hung around and decided to become members of Joshua's Army....hoo-rah!
However, that also has led to problems with the comments.
Some of you remember when there was no comment moderation onsite, and why I had to institute it. Lately with all the new readers I find I'm bouncing a few more comments than I'd like to...so perhaps another another little reminder about the guidelines is in order.
As most of you know who've been around awhile this site is not run as an echo chamber, and as far as I'm concerned a spirited exchange of ideas keeps it lively.. I've learned a lot from some of you, as you know. But I also insist that these exchanges, whether they involve me or one of the other readers be adult, reasonable and add to the mix. Most of you understand that,but for those of you who don't and are irritated at not seeing your comments onsite,here's what I'm talking about:
-I routinely excise comments that use derogatory racial and sexist slurs. Referring to Barack Obama with any of the usual racial slurs or to Sarah Palin using the c- word (been a few of those) doesn't fly here, just to give an example. Likewise when it comes to certain terms some people use to refer to Arabs or Jews. Spew that stuff somewhere else, please.
-Personal abuse directed towards me or other posters will normally not make the cut. Likewise with excessive profanity.
- I also usually filter out sheer stupidity,on a totally subjective basis - unless I decide to let it through for the purpose of amusement and ridicule. Mullah Cimac, Brooklyn Cowboy, I'm talking about you.
- Blog pimping is deep sixed about 80% of the time, especially if you cite your own blog as a source to reinforce your opinions without citing any other factual sources in the blog post itself, like one guy did here recently! Here's a hint - your saying that something is so doesn't make it so, regardless of the high opinion you have of yourself.
The same thing applies to comments that cite other blogs as sources when those other blogs aren't citing any objective sources in their posts. Again, just because you read it in one of the Daily Kos diaries or in TPM doesn't make it fact.
I do occasionally allow blog pimping if I think what you have to say is relevant and adds to the discussion, or if I think the post you're linking to actually has some significant and relevant facts or points to make. Or if I feel like it.
-Plagiarism is an absolute no no, and I can almost always tell when you've cut and pasted somebody else's stuff and presented it as yours. Man up...if you have something to say, do it in your own words.
That about covers it, I think. The vast majority of you understand this stuff, but for the few who don't you've been duly instructed...and persistant violations will get you banned. The First Amendment gives a right to free speech, but it does NOT give you an automatic right to be heard, at least not here. For those few of you bitching about 'censorship', feel free to swipe a milk carton or a fruit crate from the back of the local supermarket to stand on, leg it down to the park and spew away to your heart's content.
Please e-mail me with any complaints, concerns or comments....
The Management
1 comment:
Hey..that doesn't include my shtick,does it?
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