Another one bites the dust....Fred Thompson just quit the GOP race,making the announcement in a speech to supporters and the assembled media jackals in Seneca, South Carolina.
It was pretty much a foregone conclusion after his poor third place finish in that state.
The GOP race remains wide open, and it remains to be seen who does well in Florida on January 29th and on Super Tuesday February 5th.
I admit, while I liked Thompson's low key, matter-of-fact approach and a lot of what he had to say, he simply never caught fire for me as a candidate. I still reman convinced that he never actually wanted it all that much.
I was much more distressed to see Duncan Hunter drop out of the race. That happened a day or so ago, after the South Carolina primary.

With all of the hearkening back to Ronald Reagan and the yowling for a `real conservative' in the Republican race, you would have thought that Duncan Hunter would have been touted by conservative opinion makers on talk radio and elsewhere. As a war hero with a son serving in Iraq, a strong family man, a hawk on national security with years of experience in the House Armed services committee, a firm proponent of tax cuts, border controls (he actually wrote the legislation that passed for the border fence - which Congress and the White House then declined to fund), fair trade and bringing manufacturing back to the US, he would seem to be a natural standard for the Republicans to rally around.
Instead, he was mostly ignored, and even Fox excised him from the latest debates.
It has to make you wonder when someone like Duncan Hunter can't even get arrested in a presidential campaign today in America.
1 comment:
the repubs don't want a conservative in the ohvil awfizz.
a conservative is bad for the bottome line.
a conservative will build, reinforce that southern fence.
that's bad for the bottom line.
a conservative will do something about china's ability to buy the US. that is bad for the bottom line.
someone(george wallace) once said(1968) there isn't a dimes worth of difference between a dem & a repub.
imo, i would not be surprised if the dems nominated hillary and the repubs nominated barack.
the country can go to hell for all they care.
that is what's good for the bottom line.
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