Every week, the Watcher's Council members nominate two posts each, one from the Council members and one from outside for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week's Council nominations can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels
Do take the time and check out the non-Council links..they are always rewarding.
The current state of the political campaign is very much on the Council's mind,with no less than 7 essays out of 12 on the topic....
1. JOSHUAPUNDIT:`I have A Dream' - The Democrat's Version In one of those delicious ironies of history, it is the Democrat Left, the arbiters of politically correct speech and diversity who have virtually split along racial lines. I examine why this was inevitable, and indeed may even have been deliberate and calculated, given another racial factor no one's been mentioning but one that is very real and of long standing.
2. Done With Mirrors:Liberal Fascism Callimachus does a critique and review of Jonah Goldberg's `Liberal Fascism', a book that causing quite a stir in some places.
3. Soccer Dad:Rose Colored Rudy This week Soccer Dad looks at the current state of the Giuliani campaign. As more than one commentator has pointed out, we'll know very soon whether the Giuliani campaign was genius or folly.
My personal view on America's mayor? I think he'd likely make a very decent president,and has the most executive government experience of anyone running. I also think he's likely unelectable, because a fair amount of women who been dumped in a relationship will vote against him.Time will tell.
4. The Glittering Eye:The Radicalization Of American Politics This week, Dave muses about what he terms the radicalization of American politics,which he means in the classical sense, as practiced by communist agitator Saul Alinsky,Hillary Clinton's old mentor. I see it more as the old marxist dialectic in action for the Democrats,ginning up the yokels by creating `enemies'. As he points out,the Republicans are by no means immune to this from the other end of the telescope.
It would be instructive for people who fall for this to examine why they're being manipulated in this fashion.
5. Bookworm Room: The Problem With Obama's Race Ms. Bookworm likewise looks at the racial politics involved on the Democrat side of the aisle and points out - correctly, in my view - that if Obama was yer average pasty white boy, he'd have the notice and support of say, Dennis Kucinich or Chris Dodd. And yes,she's far too classy a writer to put it inthe same crude way I just did!
6. Rhymes With Right:If Ever We Needed a Special Prosecutor (BUMPED) Greg looks at the indictment of Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina and his wife on arson charges,and the need for a special prosecutor in the case.
7.Colossus of Rhodey:What Is "Freedom"? Hube takes an interesting look at the nature of freedom and the current attacks on it in the name of the mythical Right Not To Be Offended.
8. Cheat Seeking Missiles:Di Caprio Lies And Hustles Bucks Laer
writes about actor Leonard Di Caprio and his shilling for the Natural Resources Defense Council, another one of those phony `non-profit organizations' with nice full color mailers and high admin `costs'.
Remember back in the 1930's and 1940's when Hollywood actors actually were positive role models ? At least in public?
9. The Education Wonks: Our Out of Control Borders: Who's Accountable? Edwonk steps out of the classroom to weigh in on the despicable state of our borders. Whenhistorians tally up the plusses and minuses of the Bush Administration, the total failure toprotect our borders and deal with the problem of illegal aliens ( and please don't call them `immigrants') will weigh heavily onth enegative side of the ledger..and we are already paying a huge price for this negligence, as EdWonk points out.
10. Wolf Howling:Hillanomix 101 Another piece on the current political state of affairs, as GW examines the likely economic fallout of a Hillary Clinton presidency, based on her ideas.
11.Right Wing Nuthouse:Grim Choices Confront GOPRick likewise writes about the campaign. He's obviously distressed at the idea of a McCain or a Romney as GOP standard bearer because in his mind, they lack true Conservative Credentials.
One more time, I'll point out that the conservative brand name has been incredibly poisoned in the general electorate by the current occupant of the White House,who certainly was no conservative but ran and identified himself as one. A successful GOP candidate will have to run against the Bush record in many areas, just as Sarkozy did against Chirac. And I'd also point out that had the Republicans actually wanted a Reagan-type conservative, they had a superb one available in Duncan Hunter, who I'm convinced would have made a superb president. He was studiously ignored by the same consevatives who now bemoan their fate, and dropped out.
In terms of what the collective mind of the electorate seems to be signalling, what the country is most likely looking for, I think, is someone with strong executive experience, with the proper views on national defense,the borders and economics, and who has a demonstrated ability to accomplish with competence. Giuliani and to a lesser extent Romney both fit that description, and unfortunately none of the top Democrats now running do..so we'll see what we see, I guess...
12. Big Lizards: Mike Huckabee for Minister In Chief?Dafydd doesn't like Mike Huckabee..
That's this week's lineup..enjoy!
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