The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and the results are in for the first Watcher's Council match up of 2013!
Even taking into consideration the normal high level of quality in both the Council and Non-Council entries, this was a tough call with some exceptional pieces to choose from, and the close vote tallies reflect it.

It's been said that one of the most deadly weapons on earth is A U.S. Marine and his rifle, but as this week's winner, The Mellow Jihadi shows us with Corporals of the United States Marine Corps , some of them are pretty deadly with a pen in hand as well, especially when speaking truth to our pompous, self aggrandizing elites! Here's a slice:
The Navy, in its infinite wisdom, sent me and 66 of my ruffian cohorts to the Marine barracks. We had run out of room in the Navy building.
I got all the guys together and told them from that day forward we would solve all our own problems. No one whines to the quarterdeck until he gives us (me and four of the older guys) a chance to straighten things out.
For a year, this worked perfectly. (One minor exception, but we forgave the guy for blabbering to the JOOD. He was sleep-deprived and ate only Willy Wonka candy. A story for another time. . .)
In the Marine barracks, once my Marine friends made Corporal, they were a breed apart from us. It was a major step up from Seaman and Lance Corporal. They were men. Take this letter Corporal Joshua Boston wrote to Diane Feinstein. Without any fuss, the Corporal makes his point. And it ends with this beauty:
I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.
I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.
We, the people, deserve better than you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
Cpl, United States Marine Corps
Nice group, Corporal Boston, and right on target...Semper Fi!
In our non-Council category, the winner was veteran humorist Bob Owen with What You'll See In The Rebellion submitted by Rhymes With Right.It's his view pf what might happen in the event there's an attempt at a federal gun grab.
As a lagniappe, here's a link to Owens being interviewed on the subject over at PJTV by Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds.
OK, here are this week’s full results. Gay Patriot was unable to vote, but was not subject to the mandatory 2/3 vote penalty.
Council Winners
- *First place with 2 2/3 votes! The Mellow Jihadi –Corporals of the United States Marine Corps
- Second place *t* with 2 votes – The Right Planet - Musings About The Trees
- Second place *t* with 2 votes – The Noisy Room-When the lights go out in America
- Second place *t* with 2 vote – Joshuapundit- Let’s Give Up on the Constitution!
- Third place with 1 2/3 votes – Gay Patriot-Now that they’ve raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans, what is the Democrats’ plan to address nation’s debt crisis?
- Fourth place with 1 vote – Bookworm Room- Found it on Facebook: a story about a mass murder that didn’t happen
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote – The Razor- Alinksy Tactics Used Against Legal Gun Owners
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote – Simply Jews – Dmitri Yakovlev bill - the cannibal's mistake
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote – VA Right! – Betrayed! Only 5 Republican Senators Voted ‘NO!’ to a Tax Increase
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote – Rhymes With Right –When The Free Press Advocates For Abrogating Rights, Suppressing Speech, And Murdering Dissenters
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote – The Glittering Eye –We Have a Social Disease
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote – The Independent Sentinel – Tax Ammo As If It Were Cigarettes
Non-Council Winners
- First place with 2 1/3 votes! – Bob Owens-What You'll See In The Rebellion submitted by Rhymes With Right
- Second place with 2 votes – Dave Barry – Dave Barry’s Year in Review 2012 submitted by Joshuapundit
- Third place *t* with 1 2/3 votes –Sultan Knish –First Plane Out Of Benghazi submitted by The Noisy Room
- Third place*t* with 1 2/3 votes-Sultan Knish -Someone Else Will Pay submitted by The Political Commentator
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes - P.J. O'Rourke -Dear Mr. President, Zero-Sum Doesn't Add Up submitted by The Watcher
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes -Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Extra-constitutional power is what they’ve always wanted (Update — blaming those ancient “white dudes”) submitted by The Glittering Eye
- Fifth place *t* with 1 vote - The Diplomat –A Frightening Prospect: War in the East China Sea submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- Fifth place *t* with 1 vote -Jonathan Spyer –A Nation Once Again? submitted by Simply Jews
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote -ConservativeDailyNews.com –The Climate of Fear & Powerlessness submitted by The Right Planet
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote -Mike Hunt –Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*ck Themselves [Extended Cut] submitted by The Razor
- Seventh place with 1/3 vote -Doug Ross – President Obama' Fiscal Cliff Olive Branch To The GOP: "You Get Nothing"submitted by The Independent Sentinel
See you next week! Don't forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week's Watcher's Forum, as the Council takes apart one of the provocative topics of the day and weighs in...don't you dare miss it. And don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..'cause we're cool like that!
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