Welcome to the Watcher's Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the 'sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday.
Council News:
Congrats to the following Council members for making the list of the 200 top conservative sites: Rhymes With Right, The Noisy Room, Gay Patriot, The Right Planet, The Mellow Jihadi, Bookworm Room, JoshuaPundit and Great Satan's Girlfriend..Council Akbar!!
By the way, let me remind you that there's now a seat available on the Watcher's Council up for grabs.
We're currently looking at candidates, so if you're interested, think you qualify or want to find out more about what's involved in being part of the longest established blogging group of its kind, simply leave a comment with site URL and your e-mail address (which won't be published) on any article over at Joshuapundit.
These don't come up all that often and when they do they usually fill up quickly, so don't snooze.
This week, Ask Marion, Lefty Begone and The Pirate's Cove took advantage of my generous offer of link whorage and earned honorable mention statuswith some killer articles.
You can, too! Want to see your work appear on the Watcher’s Council homepage in our weekly contest listing? Didn’t get nominated by a Council member? No worries.
Simply head over to Joshuapundit and post the title a link to the piece you want considered along with an e-mail address ( which won't be published) in the comments section no later than Monday 6PM PST in order to be considered for our honorable mention category, and return the favor by creating a post on your site linking to the Watcher’s Council contest for the week.
It's a great way of exposing your best work to Watcher’s Council readers and Council members. while grabbing the increased traffic and notoriety. And how good is that, eh?
So, let's see what we have this week....
Council Submissions
- The Noisy Room – “Terror TV” Comes to America
- The Colossus of Rhodey – Gays are different, but not in the way you think
- The Political Commentator – Hurricane Sandy: View from the other side of the storm!
- Joshuapundit-Adolf Hitler-Progressive Pioneer
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Hagelicious!
- Rhymes With Right – Why Does She Neet An "Assault Rifle"?
- The Razor – Why Americans Need Assault Rifles
- Simply Jews – Alexander Prokhanov and Saint Koba (Joseph Dzhugashvili)
- Bookworm Room – To convince voters, conservatives need to learn that it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it
- The Glittering Eye -The Remotest Place in the Lower 48
- Gay Patriot – Why don’t advocates of global warming make weather forecasts?
- VA Right! - Naming Names: Virginia Republicans Supporting Agenda 21 Power Grab in the Commonwealth
- The Mellow Jihadi – Joining the World’s Finest Navy©
- The Right Planet – Facing the Worst-Case Scenario
Honorable Mentions
- Ask Marion - Palin Plans to ‘Shake Up the GOP Machine’ and Perhaps the Next Two Elections
- Lefty Begone - Diplomacy Failure: North Korea Announces Plans to Strike U.S. with Nukes
- The Pirate's Cove - Democrats In Brokeifornia Offer Legislation Requiring Insurance For Gun Owners To Protect The Taxpayer
Non-Council Submissions
- Sultan Knish – The Three Types of People You'll Meet in Liberal Hell submitted by The Noisy Room
- City Journal – Abolish Social Studies submitted by The Colossus of Rhodey
- Lachlan Markay/Washington Free Beacon -My Mother’s Loving Silence submitted by The Political Commentator
- Victor Davis Hanson – California at Twilight submitted by Joshuapundit
- Kings of War – Muslim Patrol as a provocation strategy submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- Buckey Firearms Association – Convicted rapist organizes gun control demonstration at Dayton gun show; Media fails to note his sex offender status submitted by Rhymes with Right
- Quartz –How Indian immigrants could save the Republican Party submitted by The Razor
- Andrew Ian Dodge – As a Former Tea Party Patriot, Here's What I Think Is Wrong With the GOP submitted by Simply Jews
- Powerline-David Horowitz: How Republicans Can Win submitted by Bookworm Room
- Via Meadia – Slate’s Matt Yglesias Sings the Blue Model Blues submitted by The Glittering Eye
- Just One Minute -Making Stuff Up At The Times (Gun Control Safety, Ongoing...) submitted by Gay Patriot
- Heritage.Org – Unions Insult Taxpayers with Obamacare Subsidy Request submitted by VA Right!
- The Troglopundit –The most violent city in the most violent nation on Earth submitted by The Mellow Jihadi
- Ted Nugent – Ted Nugent: ‘There Is No GUN VIOLENCE! There Is Criminal Violence and They Use an Assortment of Tools’ submitted by The Right Planet
- Andrew McCarthy – Senate Republicans Arm the Brotherhood submitted by The Watcher
- Seraphic Secret – Jews, Non-Jews and Hagel submitted by The Watcher
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