Mohamed Elibiary, an avowed Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood enabler has 'resigned' from his position as senior member of DHS’ Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
Elibiary has been a fairly controversial figure at the DHS. Among other things, he was busted for tweeting about the “inevitable” return of the Muslim “caliphate” something that was used as propaganda by ISIS. This was part of a series of posts deemed inappropriate for a senior government adviser, including one where he said he considered the United States to be an "Islamic country" and another where he suggested that national security "uber hawks camp misread 9/11."
But the real kicker was his purported access of confidential DHS databases on several occasions and his attempt to leak them to a far Left site, something I've written about before. Once this became known, it sparked a number of congressional inquiries, many of them from Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX).
Exactly what Elibiary used his security clearance to access is unknown, simply because the DHS found it expedient not to delve too deeply, even with the existing evidence and testimony from the site Elibiary attempted to leak documents to. There were numerous instances of various officials providing murky and even contradictory answers about whether DHS ever fully investigated the allegations that Elibiary inappropriately accessed classified documents from the DHS database.
Judicial Watch finally asked for details via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit, citing the exact documents that Elibiary allegedly leaked...only to be informed they suddenly don't exist!
“We conducted a comprehensive search of files within the DHS Enterprise Correspondence Tracking System (ECT) for records that would be responsive to your request. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate or identify any responsive records,” DHS informed Judicial Watch in a Sept. 16, 2013, letter.
DHS couldn't find “investigative records regarding the alleged mishandling and any records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Homeland Security and any member of Congress, congressional staff member, congressional committee, and/or congressional committee staff member regarding the alleged mishandling.”
In other words, since the documents didn't exist, neither did any documentation regarding an investigation!
Rep. Gohmert felt that the Judicial Watch documents proved that the DHS simply swept this under the rug.. “There was no legitimate investigation. They didn’t say these documents are classified or secure, they said no such documents exist.”
And of course, neither does the investigation.
What happened here is that DHS likely tried to stonewall the investigation into illegally accessing the database in hopes it would blow over. But they got tired of continued digging and congressional inquiries, and Elibiary's radical social media posts made him a liability they couldn't afford anymore. So he's gone.
But you have to wonder how many other Islamist moles who are a lot more careful and discreet exist in our national security establishment.
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