Talk about your `Godfather' scenarios!
As Ismail Haniyeh's convoy moved from the Rafah crossing this morning, a hit was apparently attempted by the Force 17 guards at the crossing, and a real gangland shootout developed between the rivals for rulership of the Beast.
Bullets flew in every direction as bystanders ran to get out of the the way. One Hamas goombah was killed when he took a bullet for Haniyeh, and Haniya's son was among five injured in Thursday's gun battle at the Rafah border crossing from Egypt into Gaza. Meanwhile, the Egyptians are still working on hunting down the hundreds of Palestinians who escaped into Egypt after the border fence was blown.
The Palestinians fingered Fatah gang boss Mohammed Dahlan for the attempted hit. Dahlan is the chief Fatah functionary in Gaza, and a contact of our own CIA as well as the British MI5 group stationed in Rafah.
"Mohammed Dahlan bears the direct responsibility for the assassination attempt which targeted the prime minister and he bears responsibility for the blood of the martyrs in the incident," a Hamas spokesman told a news conference in Gaza.
"The dirty hands which assassinated and wounded the bodyguards of the prime minister and attacked the prime minister's convoy will not escape punishment," he added.
In another related attack today, some of the Fatah `soldiers' fired on a Hamas rally in Ramallah in Judea (the West Bank). The rally included civilians as well as Hamas gunmen. At least 32 Hamas supporters there were wounded by gunfire from Fatah-loyal forces, hospital officials were quoted as saying by Reuters.
Haniyeh wasted no time in getting to the point. At a separate rally in Gaza City, up to 60,000 Hamas supporters gathered in a stadium where they were told that Abbas had launched a war against Allah and Hamas.
"What a war Mahmoud Abbas you are launching, first against God, and then against Hamas," senior Hamas leader Khalil al-Hayya told the rally, according to al-Reuters.
Abbas is expected to make a speech this weekend calling for new elections and the dissolving of the Hamas parliament.
For Hamas, this would mean that they would imediately go to the mattresses - or in other words, a full on gang war.
Stay tuned...
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