This morning, it was reported that two army recruiters were victims of a drive by shooting this morning:
Police in Arkansas say a military recruiter has been killed in a shooting at an Army-Navy recruiting office in Little Rock and a second recruiter has been wounded.
Little Rock police Lt. Terry Hastings said one recruiter was fatally wounded when a man inside a black SUV fired shots at the office in West Little Rock at about 10:30 a.m.
The SUV was stopped on a highway a short time later and a suspect was taken into custody.
The name of the arrestee has now been released. He's Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad — a 24-year-old Little Rock resident formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe who was charged with degree murder and 15 counts of engaging in a terrorist act. The terrorist charges were added because th eshots were fired at an occupied building.
Not much else is known, but I bet I can tell you this man's story...criminal record, converted to Islam in prison by a wahabi Imam, and associated with a radical mosque since his release.
The enemy is definitely inside the gates.It is astonishing how many times this scenario gets repeated without any attempt to end the cycle.
UPDATE: Well, whaddya know..the first part of my guess is proven correct. Now, let's wait and see if he converted in prison.
Funny, this murder isn't getting anything near the play in the dinosaur media that the murder of the abortionist Dr. Tiller is.
You'd think the press had an agenda or something...
My guess was the same, that the shooter was a prison convert to Islam, which puts a different light on the idea of transferring Gitmo detainees to U.S. prisons.
Talk about poring gasoline on an already burning fire!
so does Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad have a "Ron Paul" bumper sticker?? well, then, how the bleep are we supposed to figure out he's a terrorist. gee, I'm STUMPED. after all, everybody knows that the only evil dangerous people are white, christian, conservative republicans. everybody else is a victim of white, christian conservative republicans, right???
so does Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad have a "Ron Paul" bumper sticker?? well, then, how the bleep are we supposed to figure out he's a terrorist. gee, I'm STUMPED.
The US has a bigger problem, one that joins it to the countries of Europe. The question is:
What does the US do with American born citizens who become terrorists?
This crazy and the idiots in New York were Americans taking up arms against their own country. Americans so hate their own country that they are willing to become internal terrorists.
Good work.
Warner Todd Huston over at Red State writes that Carlos Bledsoe was indeed a prison convert to Islam, but it is unclear whether this is conjecture or if he knows it for a fact.
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