Ex VP Dick Cheney gave the troops at CPAC a rousing surprise when he made a brief speech following his daughter Liz's appearance. Cheney entered the room amid chants of "Cheney" and a standing ovation as he appeared after daughter Liz Cheney's speech.
"A welcome like that is almost enough to make me want to run for office," Cheney said, laughing. "But I'm not going to do it."
"I think 2010 is going to be a phenomenal year for the conservative cause," Cheney said to raucous applause from the conservative audience. "And I think that Barack Obama is a one-term president."
He then pulled a forty four magnum out of his pants, let out a blood curdling Souix war cry and fired several rounds into the air to wild cheers from the audience and shouts of '"Run Dick, Run!"
I may have got some of that a little wrong.
Ah, The Dark Lord...I wish he would run, dammit, just for the entertainment value if nothing else. Can you imagine a presidential debate between him and Zero? They'd stop it after fifteen minutes and call it a TKO.
myself not sharing ff position on cheney, i will comment exclusively on ff posting.
from the posting:
"I think 2010 is going to be a phenomenal year for the conservative cause," Cheney said
uh, yeah, good luck with that.
here's a question for cheney. where you gonna find one? considering the rednecks we got here in oklahoma, the republican party didn't even endorse dr. coburn when he ran for senator. why? because coburn is a conservative and not a republican.
i'm sure cheney is glad that the state of massachusetts elected a conservative senator in this past special election.
"And I think that Barack Obama is a one-term president."
and joe namath said, "I THINK we're gonna win the damn game". if cheney had left out the qualifier "i think that" i would have gone along with that. as it stands, cheney knows that hussein will win relection handily. he knows this because they already have the ballots counted.
hussein wins the electorial vote 350 to 295.
it's acorn math.
i was going to say something about a sack and some hair, but i forgot how to phrase it...........
A .44?
Pea shooter! See here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnrizaO-X00) for a real
gun! Much more the Dark Lord's style, don't you agree?
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