The worm may just be turning. The above is one of a whole slew of leaflets dropped from a Chicago office building on the 'Occupy Chicago' encampment, and it ties in with something I said here back when this started.
Full Transcript:
"We are Wall Street. It’s our job to make money. Whether it’s a commodity, stock, bond, or some hypothetical piece of fake paper, it doesn’t matter. We would trade baseball cards if it were profitable. I didn’t hear America complaining when the market was roaring to 14,000 and everyone’s 401k doubled every 3 years. Just like gambling, its not a problem until you lose. I’ve never heard of anyone going to Gamblers Anonymous because they won too much in Vegas.
Well now the market crapped out, & even though it has come back somewhat, the government and the average Joes are still looking for a scapegoat. God knows there has to be one for everything. Well, here we are.
Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you’re only going to hurt yourselves. What’s going to happen when we can’t find jobs on the Street anymore? Guess what: We’re going to take yours. We get up at 5am & work till 10pm or later. We’re used to not getting up to pee when we have a position. We don’t take an hour or more for a lunch break. We don’t demand a union. We don’t retire at 50 with a pension. We eat what we kill, and when the only thing left to eat is on your dinner plates, we’ll eat that.
For years teachers and other unionized labor have had us fooled. We were too busy working to notice. Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders and doing landscaping? We’re going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year and whine just like you that we are so-o-o-o underpaid for building the youth of America. Say goodbye to your overtime and double time and a half. I’ll be hitting grounders to the high school baseball team for $5k extra a summer, thank you very much.
So now that we’re going to be making $85k a year without upside, Joe Mainstreet is going to have his revenge, right? Wrong! Guess what: we’re going to stop buying the new 80k car, we aren’t going to leave the 35 percent tip at our business dinners anymore. No more free rides on our backs. We’re going to landscape our own back yards, wash our cars with a garden hose in our driveways. Our money was your money. You spent it. When our money dries up, so does yours.
The difference is, you lived off of it, we rejoiced in it. The Obama administration and the Democratic National Committee might get their way and knock us off the top of the pyramid, but it’s really going to hurt like hell for them when our fat asses land directly on the middle class of America and knock them to the bottom.
We aren’t dinosaurs. We are smarter and more vicious than that, and we are going to survive. The question is, now that Obama & his administration are making Joe Mainstreet our food supply…will he? and will they?”
Money - Tool of the devil, Exhibit A above.
Funny, I just typed "Money Tool of the Devil" and was sent to a satanic website aimed at kids telling them:
"The xian churches have billions and billions of dollars. In order for Satanism to advance, money is needed. Joy of Satan Ministries can do much more with resources. Make a donation for the promotion and advancement of Satanism today!"
And I am not religious at all but I always thought money was evil, it makes people do bad things.
I do not have the answers on how things would run if the economy collapses but I rather go down that road than continue on this one where people like the one who wrote that note has spent most of his/her life in a trading room working non-stop in order to make more money, affecting people's lives and taking the profits of that manipulation.
Seems crazy if you really think about it.
People wake up, is not about religion, is creating a system that gives everyone equal chances and even extravagant gains will be eventually reached not through money but by a society being efficient and using technology to help us.
Look at how Social Media has changed the world, look at how often we are now changing ages, we went past the information age a few years back, this means just that, information, freedom, the internet offered us this... after this we reached the social media era, which soon caused unison of the people.
What is the next era? I don't know but I am sure that our technology is good enough to help us when placed in the right hands... in China (and no, this isnt communism) they are using an application which locates the nearest jobs available in your area, how much it pays and you can just "take it" with the app.
Use your head to create, not worry about money.
And btw, I was a JP Morgan employee, now I am a 99%.
Thank you for sharing.
There is no such thing in life as equal results or 'equal chances', and any attempts to ensure that throughout history have only resulted in equal misery except for a tiny elite.
Also, the technology you are so excited about was created by the same sort of Evil Capitalists you despise, and won't be created in the future unless there's an economic incentive to do so. Trust me on that one,and read a little history.
I think if you ever actually went to China, you might feel differently about their system. For one thing the amount of time you and your fellow OWS pals would spend obstructing public space and other people's lives and freedom would be about thirty minutes, tops.
Actually, you're not one of the 99%. You're almost certainly one of the approximately 40% who lives off the rest of us. And almost certainly an Obama voter, because he's offering to continue this sorry state of affairs even though it's obvious we can't afford it any longer.
Obama voter? please, I don't even live in the USA... one lesson for you today, stop labeling people, you cannot use 1 word to describe a person, you live in this old mindset where you can use a word to dismiss someone's life/point/importance... "oh hes a Communist, dont listen to him" or "oh he's a Jew, he just wants your money"
Technology was not created by evil capitalists, they just exploited it and for a while it was good.
I dont need to go to China, I have lived in a country your people consider to be in the Axis of Evil... ironically people there seem to have a better quality of life than in your almighty USA.
Protests last a lot longer than 30 minutes too btw but I am sure if your leaders decided to take over us (eventually they will as we have tons of oil) they will start the propaganda war that we are not allowed to protest, people like you will eat the lie, no questions asked and be happy to know you liberated a country... when in fact you have ruined thousands of lives because our people are "suppressed".
Read my history? read your present life from good news sources, do you think FOX News and anything related to Murdoch isnt manipulated for a hidden agenda, it is sooo obvious.
Oh and you close your message by labeling me one of the 40%, haha, so someone that has spent most of his life working in JP Morgan, Barclays, Liverpool Victoria, Microsoft and IBM is someone that lives off you? sure man, sure... remember your lesson, stop labeling people to dismiss them, is a bad thing to do.
I love this...going to copy and paste it everywhere.
"And I am not religious at all but I always thought money was evil, it makes people do bad things.
And religion - and secular philosophies like communism - doesn't?
"...most of his/her life in a trading room working non-stop in order to make more money, affecting people's lives and taking the profits of that manipulation."
My what short memory we have. It was just 3 years ago when people were plowing their cash from the markets into real estate - going from one bubble to another. As the author said, it wasn't a problem when everyone thought they were winning.
Our current system gives equal chances. No one prevents you from becoming an investment banker. The government doesn't stop you from starting a business (though it is trying mighty hard these days). If you want to reach the top 1% by earning $350k/year, it's possible. Go to medical school and become a cardiologist. Want to make double that? Become a cardio-thoracic surgeon.
Even union bosses make decent salaries of $150-200k year off each hour worked by a hotel maid or janitor. If that's your thing, it's possible.
Now if you want to make it into the top .1% - something like $5m year, you'll need luck. But hitting the top 1% is relatively easy in the United States. Elsewhere? Not so much.
As for social media, it's impact is overrated here in the US. Just because you can click a button and "like" an idea doesn't do anything to promote it. It's the equivalent of throwing a Free Tibet bumpersticker on your car. It may make you feel good, but it won't do anything to actually free Tibet.
And the fact that you suggest not worrying about money tells me that you have enough. It's not a crime. I've traveled through some of the poorest areas on the planet, but none were in the United States. Sure Cabrini Green in Chicago looks like a warzone, but I've been to actual warzones where people are poor yet manage to make their living spaces livable.
What we consider poor in the US would be considered wealthy in many parts of the world, which is why everyone is trying to emigrate here and not to Cuba or North Korea.
I've been a contractor at JPMC and know how much employees there make. You've always been the 99%; you just didn't know it. And when did the 998% become the 99% - and when it will the 99% become the 99.999999% or 6 Sigma - a concept a JPMC employee should be very familiar with?
"And I am not religious at all but I always thought money was evil, it makes people do bad things.
And religion - and secular philosophies like communism - doesn't?
"...most of his/her life in a trading room working non-stop in order to make more money, affecting people's lives and taking the profits of that manipulation."
My what short memory we have. It was just 3 years ago when people were plowing their cash from the markets into real estate - going from one bubble to another. As the author said, it wasn't a problem when everyone thought they were winning.
Our current system gives equal chances. No one prevents you from becoming an investment banker. The government doesn't stop you from starting a business (though it is trying mighty hard these days). If you want to reach the top 1% by earning $350k/year, it's possible. Go to medical school and become a cardiologist. Want to make double that? Become a cardio-thoracic surgeon.
Even union bosses make decent salaries of $150-200k year off each hour worked by a hotel maid or janitor. If that's your thing, it's possible.
Now if you want to make it into the top .1% - something like $5m year, you'll need luck. But hitting the top 1% is relatively easy in the United States. Elsewhere? Not so much.
As for social media, it's impact is overrated here in the US. Just because you can click a button and "like" an idea doesn't do anything to promote it. It's the equivalent of throwing a Free Tibet bumpersticker on your car. It may make you feel good, but it won't do anything to actually free Tibet.
And the fact that you suggest not worrying about money tells me that you have enough. It's not a crime. I've traveled through some of the poorest areas on the planet, but none were in the United States. Sure Cabrini Green in Chicago looks like a warzone, but I've been to actual warzones where people are poor yet manage to make their living spaces livable.
What we consider poor in the US would be considered wealthy in many parts of the world, which is why everyone is trying to emigrate here and not to Cuba or North Korea.
I've been a contractor at JPMC and know how much employees there make. You've always been the 99%; you just didn't know it. And when did the 998% become the 99% - and when it will the 99% become the 99.999999% or 6 Sigma - a concept a JPMC employee should be very familiar with?
So Anonymous, you claim you don't live here?
That's welcome news.
Please concentrate on destroying your own country and mind your own f***ing business, thank you very much.
myself not being a fan of wall street, due to what i perceive as an unholy alliance between big business and big government, i'm glad to see wall street admitting to trading some hypothetical piece of fake paper,. that clears up a lot.
and as communication relies heavily on the communicator (see TOTUS), who ever wrote this, has no concept of the attention span of the people reading this message. they probably got through the first two sentences and threw them on the ground.
and after throwing these out the windows immediately had their company comptrollers cut checks made out directly to the barack hussein obama re-election campaign.
Wall Street can have my job - I work the same hours, have the same kind of pee breaks, and have never had a regular lunch break. I'm not in a union, and I'd be happy with $85K a year.
I own a small business, employ a couple dozen people and contribute to my community. Unlike you, I comply with government regulation (not warp and twist it). I don't get bail outs. I pay my fair share of taxes, and any extra money I have gets reinvested so I can create more jobs and pay more government taxes.
Come on wall street, let's see you work in the real world... pay your fair share of taxes... follow the spirit of government regulation instead of bending (and breaking) it to your own gain. I dare you!
By the way, the quote is "the love of money is the root of all evil." To most of us who support Occupy Wall Street the movement is about fairness, not about money.
I'll tell you what anonymous 2:04PM.
I'd bet that everything you're supposedly telling us about 'yourself' is sheer BS. It would have to be,since I doubt you're actually that stupid.
No one who actually runs a small business would endorse these views. For one thing, anyone with a business would say they were doing it to make a profit, not to 'pay more taxes'.
You claim you follow the law? Then why would you support 'protests' that are illegal? No one is allowed to camp on or 'occupy' public land in this fashion and it's only happening because democrat politicians in big cities and their public employee union allies see it is a political bonus.
I'll tell you who's at OWS. A core of hardcore marxist agitators, mixed with a bunch of paid 'activists', anti-Semites,bums and street people looking for freebies, a party and an easy lay mixed with a group of middle class wannabes who are pissed off because their college professors lied to them when they told them the $100K to $200K these losers overpaid for their degrees was going to buy them an easy ticket to being part of the elite sucking off the rest of us in fat government or university jobs.
You're in one of these groups, beyond a doubt no matter what kind of bolshoi you try to spin here.
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