There are some very sad jihadis in Texas today...
The convictions in the Holy Land Foundation trial have been upheld by the Fifth Circuit and the appeals denied:
Ghassan Elashi, of Richardson, a Holy Land Foundation founder, received 65 years for support of Hamas, money laundering and tax fraud. Shukri Abu Baker, of Garland, who was Holy Land's CEO, received 65 years for support of Hamas, money laundering and tax fraud. Mufid Abdulqader, of Richardson, was a top volunteer fundraiser and sang about Hamas in a Palestinian band that played at fundraising rallies, received 20 years for conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization; conspiracy to provide funds, goods and services to a specially designated terrorist; and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Abdulrahman Odeh, who started Holy Land's office in New Jersey, received 15 years in prison for conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization; conspiracy to provide funds, goods and services to a specially designated terrorist; and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Mohammad El-Mezain, an imam who ran Holy Land's office in California, received 15 years in prison for providing support to Hamas.
The HLF, once the largest Muslim charity in the United States, had been under investigation for years before it was shut down by the Bush administration months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
In their appeals, defense attorneys argued that the government's use of anonymous Israeli witnesses and other issues resulted in an unfair outcome for their clients, two of whom are serving 65-year sentences.
In today's opinion, Fifth Circuit Judge Carolyn Dineen King, writing on behalf of colleagues Emilio M. Garza and James E. Graves, Jr., noted:
"While no trial is perfect, this one included, we conclude from our review of the record, briefs, and oral argument, that the defendants were fairly convicted. For the reasons explained below, therefore, we affirm the district court's judgments of conviction of the individual defendants. We dismiss the appeal of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development."
Those 'anonymous Israeli witnesses' were Shin Bet and other security personnel whose personal safety and the secrecy involved in other ongoing investigations might have been compromised had they been identified.
These cockroaches helped fund the murder of countless civilians, including a number of American citizens. However, I agree that they didn't merit these kind of sentences.
A rope and a pigskin burial would have been more in line with what they merited.
It should be noted that this was the trial in which CAIR,ISNA and a number of other organizations people associated with these Muslim Brotherhood fronts were named as unindicted conspirators. This was supposed to be only the first round of trials associated with the HLF, and a second round of trials was scheduled to go after the 'unindicted co-conspirators'.
That trial would have been a slam dunk, because the Islamist group's attorneys appealed to have their names removed and not only lost the appeal but ended up causing government evidence to be unsealed that connected them even more directly with the Hamas fundraising and material support for a terrorist group.However, the Obama Department of Justice filed Disinclination to Prosecute briefs in these cases, letting the Islamists walk free. So today's verdict is just a partial victory.
It isn't just Fast and Furious Eric Holder is covering up for.
European countries generally, Russia also and China are among the overwhelming majority in the world which do NOT label Hamas terrorist.
And some of these, as France and Russia for sure, have significantly more challenging domestic problems vis a vis Muslims.
Of course they have one much less domestic problem than the US and you know what that is and so does the Arab/Moslem world....
Actually Anonymous,the entire EU officially labels Hamas a terrorist organization. So do the US and Canada,
Funny how a murderous group with a history of deliberately targeting civilians for murder and has genocide as an openly expressed goal would be called terrorists, hmm...
And I wouldn't be too confident about Russia and China if I were you. They've been pretty harsh in dealing with their own domestic Muslim jihadis.
As for the problem the US has that you refer to, the vast majority of Americans don't agree with your psychosis...which I admit is shared by the majority of the Arab/Muslim world.
Isn't it odd that the most powerful regimes in the world have all tried to destroy the Jews and ended up being destroyed themselves? Hitler, The Romans, Babylon, The Selucids, Ancient Egypt,they're all gone but the Jews are still here.
Even stranger, every country, no matter how powerful that has expelled or attacked the Jews went into a decline shortly afterwards..15th century Spain, the UK after WWII ( they armed and officered the attempted jihad against Israel in 1948 and did their best to see to it that Israel never came to be)and oh yes,the Arab World are excellent examples!
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