Welcome to the Watcher's Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the 'sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday.
Ah Pharaoh, let our people go! Lest the Lord smite thee with a mighty hand and ruin thy golf game for eternity!
The longer he's in office, the longer this president continues to astound with his arrogance, dishonesty, and incompetence. His latest assault on the Supreme Court over a pending matter, something unheard of until now is just Barack Obama's latest dive for the cellar.
However this being a time when some of us recall deliverance from Pharaoh, let's not forget that it's also a time of hope, that things can change for the better and that freedom is just around the corner waiting to be grasped.
This week's contest is dedicated to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and in particular to one Judge Jerry Smith.
Council News:
This week, The Stewart Blog, Right Truth , Maggie's Notebook, Mental Recession and Ask Marion took advantage of my generous offer of link whorage and earned honorable mention status with some superb pieces.
You can, too! Want to see your work appear on the Watcher’s Council homepage in our weekly contest listing? Didn’t get nominated by a Council member? No worries.
Simply head over to Joshuapundit and post the title and a link to the piece you want considered along with an e-mail address ( which won't be published) in the comments section no later than Monday 6PM PST in order to be considered for our honorable mention category, and return the favor by creating a post on your site linking to the Watcher’s Council contest for the week when it cpmes out on Wednesday.
It's a great way of exposing your best work to Watcher’s Council readers and Council members, while grabbing the increased traffic and notoriety. And how good is that, eh? You know it how good it is.
So, let's see what we have this week....
Council Submissions
- The Noisy Room – American Bolsheviks - The Second Act
- The Independent Sentinel – Governor Jerry Brown Trippin' on His Psychedelic Budget
- Simply Jews – "Anti-Zionism" and naivety
- The Political Commentator – Is the true Obama mission to actually widen the racial chasm in America?
- Joshuapundit-Silent Scream;The Sudan Ethnically Cleanses Its Christians
- The Right Planet – Revenge of the 'Birthers'
- Bookworm Room – Barack Obama to supporters: Give me the money, dammit!
- The Colossus of Rhodey – The Epitome of the "Limousine Liberal"
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Armée de l'Aegypt
- New Zeal – 'Dangerous Dick' Lugar and the Marxist Led 'Peace' PAC
- The Glittering Eye -How Did They Get It So Wrong?
- Gay Patriot – Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, Jury Duty And The Press
- The Razor – The Insidious Nature of Student Loan Debt
- VA Right! - Upholding Obamacare Would Be the Ultimate and Final Act of Judicial Activism and Render the Constitution Moot
- Rhymes With Right – Some Observations On Michael Kinsley’s Column On ObamaCare's Constitutionality
- The Mellow Jihadi – The Cunning Muslim Bro’s Candidate
Honorable Mentions
- The Stewart Blog - PSD-10 Mass Atrocities (Analysis)
- Maggie's Notebook - Fifth Circuit Court Orders DOJ To Explain Obama's Warning To SCOTUS
- Mental Recession - Michelle Obama Tells Kids to Convince "Wrong People" to Vote For Her Husband
- Ask Marion - How California’s Colleges Indoctrinate Students
- Right Truth - I Cannot Stand Him
Non-Council Submissions
- Mark Steyn –Just Reading ObamaCare Cruel And Unusual Punishment submitted by The Noisy Room
- Investor's Business Daily – Poll Shows Even In Michigan Unions Are Despised submitted by The Independent Sentinel
- Jewish ideas Daily – Peter Beinart, I Quit. submitted by Simply Jews
- Gatestone Institute -Terrorism In France; Let's Not Pretend Jews Aren't The Target submitted by The Political Commentator
- Victor Davis Hanson – The New Anti-Semitism submitted by Joshuapundit
- American Spectator – The Nation's Top 50 Progressives… and Socialists and Communists submitted by The Right Planet
- Powerline-Dubious Donations (2012 Edition) submitted by Bookworm Room
- Natural Born Conservative – The Malaise of 2012 - Part IV submitted by The Colossus of Rhodey
- Argument @ Foreign Policy – Dear Ayatollah Khamenei: Go Ahead, Shut Down That Strait submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- Accuracy In Media – Beck to Publish Blockbuster on Obama's Communist Mentor submitted by New Zeal
- The Automatic Earth – The Nature Of Tipping Points submitted by The Glittering Eye
- Right Turn -When will the media get around to Obama? submitted by Gay Patriot
- The Agitator –Liberals Lovin' on Corporate Welfare submitted by The Razor
- Alexa Shrugged – President Obama, Are You Serious? Are You Serious?! submitted by VA Right!
- Volokh Conspiracy – President Obama versus the Constitution submitted by Rhymes with Right
- CI-Roller Dude –No Retreat (but please take cover!) submitted by The Mellow Jihadi
- Just One Minute – I Screamed it Couldn't Be Done submitted by The Watcher
- Seraphic Secret – Syrian Opposition Leader: Jews Helping To Keep Assad In Power, “Want Syrian Blood For Their Matzos.” submitted by The Watcher
Enjoy! And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter..'cause we're cool like that!
Dads - Praying for your Family
Modern Sojourners
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