The Council has spoken! Complete results can be found here on the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels
This week's winner for Council Posts was:
Your chance of dying in a terrorist attack : Socratic Rhythm Method Matt's take on 9/11 and on people's fear of terrorism vs. the actual odds. Congratulations, Matt!
There was a tie for second place between:
ShrinkWrapped: 9/11 Ambiguities ShrinkWrapped's very interesting post on the difficulties in political discourse on Islamic terrorism and expands it to discuss the effect of modernization and globalization on the Muslim world as one of the motivations behind jihad. Well done, Shrinks!
Soccer Dad: Three strands not easily broken a fascinating post by Soccer Dad as he examines three major factors that led to 9/11..and are still very much a part of the situation. Well written and well researched, and by no means the usual stuff you see on this subject...excellent job, Dave!
For non-council posts, the winner was:
Villainous Company: And At Night, I Dream Of You... a memorial to one of the 9/11 victims.
Hearty kudos to all the winners!
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