Here's an interesting bit...Newt Gingrich has a piece in American Enterprise that essentially agrees with something I've been saying for quite a while...the way for a Republican candidate to get the nomination and win in `08 is to take a lesson from Sarkozy,run against Bush and promise change.
If this keeps up, President Bush may not even be allowed into the building at the GOP convention, let alone be asked to speak.
If this keeps up, President Bush may not even be allowed into the building at the GOP convention, let alone be asked to speak.
Honestly, it is not all that far fetched.
The "change" the American people want is a complete withdrawl from Iraq and the Middle East, government mandated health care, and the type of well fare state that Western Europe has had for some time. It is only when they realize that such a well fare state system will not work, as the French have, that they will be willing to accept a more conservative philosphy.
As far as the Global War on Terror goes, I think the best approach for us is to remover all troops and bases from the Middle East as soon as possible. In other words, the troops and equipment come out as fast as they went in. Then these troops and this equipment is used to secure our borders. After we have withdrawn from the Middle East, we STAY OUT OF ISRAEL'S WAY and allow them to eliminate the Arab terrorist problem.
This policy depends on Israel being able to eliminate the terrorist problem without our help. Frankly it is the only policy to fight Islamic Extremism that we can implement right now that has any chance of succeeding.
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