This week's winner is:
Judging people by their friends and their enemies: Bookworm Room a well-written piece containing Ms. Bookworm's astute observations on President Bush's tumultous reception in Albania, as opposed to Western Europe - simply put. people recently liberated from tyranny have a more positive response to the leader of the free world than say, people whom were liberated by us 60+ years ago. Congrats on a well-deserved win,Ms. Bookworm!
In second place was another piece that dealt with as aspect of the same topic, Right Wing Nut House: “AND THE WALL CAME A TUM-BA-LIN’ DOWN…” Rick's celebration of the anniversary of President Reagan's famous `tear down this wall' speech. Well done, Rick.
For non-Council, the winner was Michael Yon : Death or Glory Part II of IV the author's moving account of an inbed with British troops in Iraq.
In second place for non-Council was my own nominee Family Security Matters: Why The Pew Study of American Muslims is Dangerously Incomplete by Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, in which he astutely examines the results of the Pew survey on America's Muslims and where it falls short. This was a Joshua's Army must read.
Hearty Kudos to all the winners!
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