Labour Peer Lord Ahmed was recently suspended from the House of Lords after a slew of anti-semitic remarks about how a 'Jewish conspiracy' was responsible for getting him jailed for sending text messages right before he was involved in a fatal car accident that was judged to be his fault. He also claimed that the judge who sentenced him was handpicked by 'the Jews.'
Of course, he made those remarks during a TV interview in Urdu during an interview back on his home turf in Pakistan...where he figured no one was listening and it would go over well with the audience.
This is not the first time Lord Ahmed, Britain's first Muslim member of the House of Lords has given vent to his antisemitism, but these remarks were bad enough that the Labour Party suspended him from the House of Lords.
The BBC recently ran a story about this, but one reader noticed something interesting about it and e-mailed the Beeb to find out why the word anti-semitism is replaced in the headlines with 'Jewish claims':
BBC: Thanks for your email and please accept our apologies for the delay in replying. We try and stick as closely as possible to the words used, so, in this case we used ‘Jewish claims’ in the short space available for headlines to summarise his comments.
READER: Thanks for your reply, but with all due respect that is utter nonsense. ‘Jewish claims’ 13 characters. ‘Antisemitism’ 12 characters. Plus one look at the space available in the headline within the URL will tell you that there is/was PLENTY of space to report factually.
Of course, the term 'Jewish claims' likewise makes it seem that it some Jews accusing Lord Ahmed that led to his essence, a continuation of Lord Ahmaed's Jewish Conspiracy Theory!
Another interesting point. Antisemitism (Brit style) is apparently too long to fit into a headline, yet a quick search of the BBC reveals that 'Islamophobia', also 12 characters is used all over the Beeb's headlines in every conceivable way.The term 'Muslim Claims' has never been used, as far as my search could determine.
Interesting how that works out.
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