As I've said for a long time on these pages, the Shiite government we allowed to take over in Iraq is merely biding it's time before saying `thanks infidels, for your time and money - now get lost so we can bond with our jihad buddies in Iran.'
The latest evidence of this comes from Iran's ambassador to Iraq, who revealed that the Iranian government is is working on increased ties with the Maliki government, including military and economic ties.
This is probably what was being discussed with the Maliki government when they were meeting with the Iranians last month.
The Iranian ambassador announced, among other things, that Iran would soon open a national bank in Baghdad. An Iraqi banking official confirmed that Iran has received a license to open what would be the first "wholly owned subsidiary bank" of a foreign country in Iraq.
All the better and easier to fund Moqtada al Sadr, Iran's agents in Iraq and the other jihadi ventures.
caption should read, pull my finger.
It's hard to tell exactly who's running the show over there, but I don't think most Iraqi Shiites would like to see Iraq become dominated by Iran. Remember, they fought a war for 8 years.
Hi Nazar,
Unfortunately, I feel you're mistaken.
Most of the Shi'ite politicians we allowed to take power (including Maliki) spent the Saddam years in Iran cuddled up to the mullahs. So did a lot of the clergy, like Sistani.
You also discount the force of tribalism. For years, the shiites were treated like garbage inthe Islamic world as heretics. The curent resurgence in Iran, Syria and Lebanon (and Iraq) has a significance both historical and mystical for these people.
Most westerners don't realize that the idea of the nation state is largely foreign to the Islamic world and that tribalism and the Muslim ummah count for much more.
Particularly of the reasons (and by no means the only one) for the current jihad is the failure of Arab nationalism, as epitomized by Nasser and yes, Saddam. In that sense, the current jihad against the west is a return to Islamic `first principles'.
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