A swarm of bees provided an inglorious exit to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to Africa.
Mrs. Clinton and her entourage were headed for the plane home at Kamuzu International Airport in Malawi when the bees attacked.
“There was a slight panic as the bees winged across the airport. People could be seen running away to keep cover as the Secretary of State swiftly boarded her plane to avoid any stings,” a witness told the Nyasa Times.
In a White House statement, the bees were identified as right wing Tea Party members.
There has been no response yet to a request sent to the bees for a statement, but a reliable, confidential source told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that the bees were actually Romney campaign operatives.
As for the Secretary of State, this will no doubt morph in time to a story about her being fired upon by African terrorists. Same old Hillary..nothing changes!
the flies could care less.
Oddly, the bees in question only had right wings. A vast right-winged conspiracy.
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