An Israeli court tossed out a civil suit brought by the parents of deceased terrorist groupie ( and there really is no other true way to refer to her) Rachel Corrie, who was run over by an IDF bulldozer while she was blocking its path and standing in front of a house in a Rafah combat zone.
The house was being used by Hamas as a cover for tunnels used to smuggle arms and fighters, something you won't see in, say, the BBC coverage of this story.
This is the second time an attempt by the Corries to win the legal lotto has been tossed out of a court of law. The last time, it was a bizarre attempt to sue Caterpillar, the manufacturer of the bulldozer for megabucks. Even the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals wouldn't buy that one.
The Haifa District Court ruled that Corrie's death, on March 16, 2003 during the Second Intifada, was due to her deliberately placing herself in a combat zone in an area, and that she could have avoided the danger simply by not putting herself in a hazardous combat zone.
The judge further ruled that the bulldozer driver, who had an obstructed view was unable see her. Corrie had been standing on a pile of rubble, but slipped and fell before the bulldozer approached. This famous photo of Corrie was taken hours before her death occurred and at a different location.
Another thing the judge addressed but the media mostly hasn't is the group she was involved with, the International Solidarity Movement.
Self described as 'an organization focused on assisting the Palestinian cause in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict using nonviolent means', the ISM actually endorses terrorism towards Israeli civilians, as two of its founders, Adam Shapiro and his wife Huwaida Arraf admitted in a 2002 article, writing, “The Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics, both non-violent and violent...In actuality, nonviolence is not enough...Yes, people will get killed and injured,” but these deaths are “no less noble than carrying out a suicide operation. And we are certain that if these men were killed during such an action, they would be considered shaheed Allah.”
They cover and become human shields for terrorists, hide weapons for them, raise money for them and in their own words, encourage and train their members to insert themselves in dangerous situations in order to provoke confrontations with the Israeli military and assist Palestinian terrorist groups in murdering Israeli civilians.
What the ISM does is to troll left wing campuses like Corrie's alma mater, Evergreen State, and recruit gullible, brainwashed useful idiots like her to promote their jihadist agenda. In Rachel Corrie's case, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, getting a 'martyr' who was far more valuable to them dead than she was alive.
The truth about Rachel Corrie is that she was a hate-filled harridan, a vicious anti-semite who despised her own country and was actively working towards helping innocent people to be violently murdered for her cause. In life, you reap what you sow.
The Israeli court as a sop to Corrie's parents referred to her death as a regrettable accident. Perhaps, but if it was regrettable she died in such a fashion, it was far more shameful that she chose to live in the way she did.
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