The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and the results are in for this week's Watcher's Council match up.
War and peace, the an issue of our time increasingly in the news, especially when it concerns the Middle East.

This week's winner, The Noisy Room's The Mosaic Of War takes an in depth, wonderfully written look at what looks more and more like a coming war between Israel and Iran, and how America might find itself involved whether we want to be or not. Here's a slice:
My all-time favorite author is Dean Koontz. He has a way of telling a story that is absolutely riveting, humorous and horrifying at the same time. There’s a story here somewhere for Dean – I can sense evil from The Corner of My Eye. And it is fast approaching like a malevolent storm intent on sweeping mankind away with sinister glee bubbling up from its chaotic depths. The story line is unfolding with good and evil lines drawn and the players taking sides with no guarantee of the outcome, but plenty of ensured carnage. Let’s set the stage, shall we?< One of the first things that happens before full-blown war breaks out typically is that embassies are closed and diplomats are recalled or expelled. It is a precursor to the beginning of festivities on both sides. This past week. Canada found the spine we seemed to have misplaced and declared Iran a terrorist regime. They closed their embassy in Iran and brought their ambassador and diplomats home. They closed Iran’s embassy in Canada and kicked out their ambassador and diplomats. They also issued the strongest travel warning available to their citizens telling them in no uncertain terms, don’t even think of going to Iran and if you are there, get the hell out. {...}
For those that think this only involves Israel and Iran, or at the most the Middle East, think again. We will be drawn into this war. There is no way we can’t. Not only is Israel our closest ally, Iran is our worst enemy. There is an argument to be made that Obama would love a war to break out as he sees it as a pathway to reelection. Americans should review that scenario carefully. If war breaks out, we would be much safer with Romney at the helm. At least he has a spine and morals.
Americans should also consider the very real possibility of an attack on the US. Last week, Iran stated that shortly they would be stationing their navy just outside of US waters. All the better to hit us with an EMP or 3. But, they don’t need a navy… a cargo ship would do nicely.
In our non-Council category, the winner was Michelle Malkin with Chicago thuggery personified: Meet Chicago Teachers’ Union president Karen Lewis submitted by Joshuapundit. It's a detailed expose of the radical president of the Chicago Teacher's Union.
OK, here are this week’s full results. Only Gay Patriot was unable to vote, but was not subject to the 2/3 vote penalty:
Council Winners
- *First place with 3 2/3 votes! The Noisy Room –The Mosaic Of War
- Second place with 3 1/3 votes – Joshuapundit - How The NYT Commemorates 9/11: 'It Was Bush's Fault'
- Third place *t* with 1 1/3 vote – The Razor-The GOP: The Short Bus Party
- Third place *t* with 1 1/3 vote – Gay Patriot-In Memorium: James Joseph Ferguson,Lost Sept. 11, 2001
- Fourth place *t* with 1 vote – Bookworm Room- No, the polls aren't bothering me
- Fourth place *t* with 1 vote – VA Right!- Gallup Polls Have Been Compromised by the White House and are No Longer Credible
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote – The Mellow Jihadi- Pure Communism in Panera Bread
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote – The Colossus of Rhodey – Idiot Talks To An Idiot
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote – Rhymes With Right –Obama Administration Surrenders To Islamists On 9/11 Anniversary As Muslims Murder American Diplomatic Personnel!
- Fourth place *t* with 1/3 vote – Simply Jews –Skip a meal to vote a pol in?
Non-Council Winners
- First place with 2 2/3 votes! – Michelle Malkin-Chicago thuggery personified: Meet Chicago Teachers’ Union president Karen Lewis submitted by Joshuapundit
- Second place with 2 1/3 votes – Caroline Glick –God, Jerusalem and American foreign policy submitted by The Noisy Room
- Third place with 1 2/3 votes –Shining Pearls of Something –A letter to a future daughter-in-law submitted by The Mellow Jihadi
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes -According to Hoyt -Eleven Years submitted by The Glittering Eye
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 vote - Think Progress -9/11 And ‘Blowback’ submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- Fifth place with 1 vote - Taki's Magazine –An Overdose of Hope submitted by The Razor
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote - The Passing Parade –Seafood, All You Can Eat submitted by Simply Jews
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote -The Jewish Press –Dubious Donations (2012 Edition) submitted by The Political Commentator
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote -American Spectator –It's God's Fault submitted by The Right Planet
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote -Open Market/Hans Bader –Fact Checking Lilly Ledbetter’s False Speech At The Democratic National Convention submitted by Rhymes With Right
- Seventh place *t* with 1/3 vote -Cowboy Bytes –Romney flexes foreign policy stance, calls again for ‘crippling sanctions’ on Iran submitted by The Independent Sentinel
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote -Buckhorn Road –My first dissatisfied customer of this school year submitted by The Colossus of Rhodey
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote -Business Insider/RortyBomb Blog –The Complete Guide To America's Jobs Crisis And The Failure Of Monetary Policy Using Animated Gifs submitted submitted by The Watcher*
*(*WARNING - Language advisory for some of the Gifs on this one!!)
See you next week! Don't forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week's Watcher's Forum, as the Council and their invited special guests take apart one of the provocative issues of the day with short takes and weigh in...don't you dare miss it. And don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.....'cause we're cool like that!
1 comment:
We could do with a Xena just about now. My daughter loved that show.
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