Fake-a-hontas may be in heap big trouble.
Professor Bill Jacobsen over at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion has the scoop. It appears that Princess Dances-With -Socialism was practicing law in Massachusetts without being licensed to do so! Not only did she violate Massachusetts law, but she had the gall to use her taxpayer provided Harvard office as her law office! Here's the statute, Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 221, Section 46A: Section 46A. No individual, other than a member, in good standing, of the bar of this commonwealth shall practice law, or, by word, sign, letter, advertisement or otherwise, hold himself out as authorized, entitled, competent, qualified or able to practice law; provided, that a member of the bar, in good standing, of any other state may appear, by permission of the court, as attorney or counselor, in any case pending therein, if such other state grants like privileges to members of the bar, in good standing, of this commonwealth. I won't get into Professor Bill's fine work further, except to say that he has her dead to rights and you should visit the link for the gory details.
Whether the Attorney General of Massachusetts is going to prosecute a Democrat candidate for senate is of course another question.
GOP incumbent Senator Scott Brown touched on this when he hammered Warren in the latest debate for representing Traveler's Insurance against asbestos victims, something she received a fee of $212,000 for.
Warren attempted to lie her way out of it, but the paper she cites, the Boston Globe, actually backs up Brown's account. And apparently she represented Travelers while not being legally entitled to do so.
This is Massachusetts so anything could happen, but I have a feeling this serial prevaricator is too devious and slimy even for them. We'll see in November
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