President Obama, fresh from his expensive vacay at Martha's Vineyard has his speech on jobs all ready, and requested a televised joint session of Congress to announce it.
Being that government doesn't really 'create' jobs and the president remains adamantly opposed to creating the economic climate that does, this was likely going to be another exercise in platitudes, blame and evasion fed to the president through a trio of overworked, non-union teleprompters.
But President Obama obviously had another purpose in mind entirely, because he scheduled the speech to air at the same time as the next major GOP debate also scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. on September 7th at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California...and coincidentally, Rick Perry's debut on national TV.
How 'bout that?
NBC, who is hosting the debate has already said they won't postpone or change the schedule, and President Obama was unwilling to change the date of his speech, which gives you an idea that its real purpose was political warfare, not a policy announcement.
But Speaker John Boehner pretty much nipped this in the bud by simply rejecting President Obama's request to address the joint session on the night of Sept. 7th and invited him to speak the next night instead.
I love the genteel way Boehner put this to King Putt.
In his letter to Obama, Boehner simply said Sept. 8th would be better "so we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."
I must admit, it would have been interesting to see how the ratings of the two events compared, but that might have ended up as an embarrassment for the president. This way is probably better.
1 comment:
Being that government doesn't really 'create' jobs and the president remains adamantly opposed to creating the economic climate that does,
while ff states the obvious, i believe president milli vanilli does believe gov't creates jobs. that is the socialist/liberal mantra.
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