Dorian Johnson, who was with Michael Brown when he was shot and is considered the prime witness for the prosecution if Officer Darren Williams goes to trial has been charged with theft and with filing a false police report. He had an outstanding warrant for a 2011 theft in Jefferson City Missouri that surfaced and pleaded guilty for filing a false police report related to that theft. The outstanding warrant surfaced when St. Louis ABC affiliate ABC 17 cross referenced Johnson’s name against several records, discovered the warrant and informed the authorities.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported the details of the 2011 charges:
Johnson was charged with a misdemeanor after giving police a false first name after he was arrested on suspicion of theft. He later pleaded guilty after he was accused of stealing a package containing a backpack belonging to someone else from an apartment complex. When he was arrested in that case, he identified himself as Derrick Johnson and said he was 16. The warrant was for failing to appear in Jefferson City municipal court to answer to the theft which will now be added the charge of filing a false police report, a felony in Missouri I believe.Johnson has reportedly pled guilty to that charge as well.
None of this has anything to do directly with the Michael Brown shooting, but it does affect Dorian Johnson's credibility, which has also come under question because of a number of falsehoods he told in his original testimony. His story, repeated ad nauseum via the media was that Brown never reached for Wilson’s gun, never punched the policeman, had his hands up in surrender, was shot in the back and was 'executed' by Officer Williams who stood over him and fired two shots into brown when he was already lying wounded on the ground.
Almost all of this has been debunked by the first two autopsies, by ballistics and by Officer Wilson's medical records, showing his injuries. Brown did indeed punch Officer Wilson, there was a struggle inside the police vehicle for the cop's gun during which at least one shot was fired. The Michael Brown did in fact punch Officer Wilson and inflict severe injury on him, Brown was definitely not shot in the back and the last two shot were fired from two to three feet away from where Officer Wilson was standing while the rest were fired from a further distance away,giving credence to other witness accounts that 6' 4", 292 Pound Michael Brown had charged the policeman rather than having his hands up 'surrendering.'
Since Johnson has also admitted that he was with Michael Brown when he committed robbery and assault at that convenience store, that could also make him an accessory to that crime as well.
Don't be surprised if the prosecution declines to use Dorian Johnson as a witness.
The Michael Brown did in fact punch Officer Williams and inflict severe injury on him
Brown did NOT in fact inflict severe injury on him. The cops have dismissed this garbage being spewed in the right wing nutjobisphere about ocular damage. Video after the shooting shows Williams walking around calmy with no injury, and we now know that he was out in his yard two days later, mowing his lawn.
You do know that saying something doesn't make it true, right? It was predictable enough when you started calling Brown a thug who deserved to be shot, it's almost pro forma now that you repeat the swill that is exclusive to the right wing echo chamber without even attempting to fact check it. Even the cops have admitted that Williams shot at Brown while he was trying to run away. This dude is going to jail, whether you like it or not.
You do know that saying something doesn't make it true, right?
You know, I have a policy on this site about not posting disinformation and what amounts to slander,especially when it comes from some gutless character hiding behind 'anonymous' like yourself. But every so often, I let one through so people can see exactly why moderating comments is necessary.
First of all, although I can understand why he was shot, I defy you to show me anywhere that I said Michael Brown deserved to be shot, . You can't, because I didn't, and you know it.
Second, the Police Chief and the mayor both made statements about Williams' injuries. So did the St Louis Post Dispatch, CBS News and a whole bunch of other people. In fact, if you do a search there's not one credible source that says Officer Williams wasn't injured.
So that's lie number 2.
Third, it is possible to walk around with an orbital fracture, although it's painful like any other broken bone and your sight is impaired because of the swelling.
FYI,I posted the cell phone video from Piaget what's-her-name on this site that you're talking about. It's from so far away that you can't clearly see Williams' face, and the injured side is away from the camera.
Not only that, but at 6:28 on the video there's a witness saying that he SAW Brown charging the police officer.
What are we up to? Lie number 4, number 5?
Then the stuff about the police 'admitting' that Brown was shot while running away and saying he wasn't injured? Y'know, the police aren't as stupid as you are and aren't going to comment about something that's a pending legal matter already before a grand jury.
And why would they say Brown was shot while 'running away' when the autopsy and ballistics show he was shot in the front?
So that's lie number 6...or is it 7?
As for whether Williams is going to jail? Me, I'm willing to wait to see what a jury decides, although given the racial politics involved anything's possible.
Then again, people like you were pretty certain George Zimmerman was going to be convicted of murder too.
You? Well, how's it feel to be part of a racist lynch mob? Makes you feel brave. like your somebody, doesn't it?
You do know that saying something doesn't make it true, right?
apparently that comment does not apply to anon.
after that initial post, anon doesn't have a grasp of even what he/she is posting. a busted eye is not a broken leg.
i do have to take issue with one of ff facts.
Don't be surprised if the prosecution declines to use Dorian Johnson as a witness.
if eric holder is involved in this fiasco in any way, don't be surprised if Dorian Johnson is the only witness allowed.
now here's a question for anon.
what's the over/under for young black male shootings in chicago this weekend?
I defy you to show me anywhere that I said Michael Brown deserved to be shot.
You never explicitly said it, because you didn't have to. You're constantly casting aspersions and giving ulterior motives to other people. (You called me part of a 'lynch mob' in your response.) Can you really not take what you constantly dish out?
The glee with which you've gone after this dead kid is transparent, and it doesn't take much to conclude that you think he deserved it. After all, you call him a 'thug' constantly. We all know what you mean. If a crooked cop on meth shot a black valedictorian tomorrow, there's not a doubt in the world which side you'd come down on.
In fact, if you do a search there's not one credible source that says Officer Williams wasn't injured.
You've dialed this back to an 'injury'. I see you've abandoned this orbital fracture nonsense now that CNN reported that the x-rays came back negative and he was treated for a 'swollen face'.
Third, it is possible to walk around with an orbital fracture
And it's irrelevant, because he didn't have one.
Then the stuff about the police 'admitting' that Brown was shot while running away and saying he wasn't injured? Y'know, the police aren't as stupid as you are and aren't going to comment about something that's a pending legal matter already before a grand jury.
Well, I think everyone would admit that the cops have done a lot of stupid things these past two weeks. Including commenting about a legal matter.
And why would they say Brown was shot while 'running away' when the autopsy and ballistics show he was shot in the front?
As Officer Wilson got out of his car, the men were running away. The officer fired his weapon but did not hit anyone, according to law enforcement officials.
Do your homework, Rob.
I never said he was shot while running away. I said that he was shot AT while running away. Those are two different things in all but the eyes of the law. You can't use 'but I missed him!' as a defense strategy. It's a distinction without a difference.
I don't expect for you to post this (unless you want to look a fool), but at least I know that you'll read this and steam off into the loving arms of your the reassuring arms of your echo chamber.
You back again?
First of all, you admit that you lied and slandered me.You said explicitly that I wrote that Brown 'deserved to be shot'. A man would apologize for that kind of thing when he knows he's wrong. The fact that you don't but go off assigning your own subjective tones, meanings and shadings to try and weasel out of what you did shows everyone exactly what you are.
A five-year-old kid has more honesty. Care to put on the Big Boy pants and apologize? We both know it's the right thing to do,but I won't hold my breath.
You said 'Even the cops have admitted that Williams shot at Brown while he was trying to run away' and that they denied he was injured'. You haven't got any evidence of that whatsoever, and your opinion that the cops 'have done a lot of stupid things' counts for absolutely nada.
I saw the CNN item, an unsourced report that Williams reportedly didn't have an ocular fracture.It still mentioned that he had significant facial injuries.
Do you have any idea how often CNN has been embarrassed by this kind of stuff lately? No one else has picked this up at all, and given the media bias and attention this would have been headlines everywhere if it had legs.
And choke on this - whether it was an orbital fracture or simply facial injuries is irrelevant. The fact that Williams was struck at all shows that Brown was the aggressor, and that it's fairly likely that Brown did shove Williams back into his vehicle and maybe even tried to take his weapon. I wouldn't expect you to know this, but assaulting a law officer is a major felony and police have a fairly large amount of leeway on how to respond to cop fighters.That makes it a whole different ball game.Try hitting a cop the next time one stops you and watch what happens.
This behavior also shows that as I surmised, Brown was out of his mind on something. No one in his right mind would behave as he did that day in the store, on the street and in his altercation with the cop.
You know that too, but it kinda destroys your carefully built up faux sense of racial grievance, so you won't admit it.
Oh and finally,after all the BS about how Brown was shot in the back and 'executed', two autopsies show he was shot in the front. So does the positioning of the body in that video I gave you a link know, the one where two witness were caught on tape admitting that Brown charged the officer.
No answer from you on that little factoid, I notice.
Unless Darren Williams is Superman and could fly over Brown to shoot him in the front while he was running away, the ballistic clearly indicate that was charging towards the policeman. Since the non-lethal wounds were fired before the two head shots, it's even likely that Williams was trying to bring Brown down without killing him, but given Brown's size and what was likely in his system, he just kept coming.
I won't even dignify the rant at the end with an answer.
Anyone who follows this site knows I have no problem discussing opposing points of view in a respectful manner. But there's no way anyone can do that with someone like you who doesn't deal in facts and lives in his own turgid reality.I think I've wasted more than enough time with you, and you can't tell anyone you didn't get your say.Now you can go back to being part of the racist lynch mob, where you don't even have to try thinking.
But I do want to thank you, though, for giving my readers an object lesson in the type of mentality (if it can be called that) at work here.I hope it's illuminating.
And yes, this is why I moderate comments.
This clown reminds me of the kind of guys who write on walls in the men's room.
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