Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Abbas to Award Highest PA Medal To Sbarro Murderers

It's official. Arafat II Mahmoud Abbas, the Bush Administration's Official Moderate Peace Partner is planning on awarding the highest Palestinian medal,The Al Kuds Mark of Honor, to two female terrorists incarcerated in Israel.

One will go to Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas terrorist in prison for assisting the homicide bomber who walked into a Sbarro Pizza parlor in Jerusalem packed with children and families, detonated himself and murdered six innocent people while maiming numerous others.

The other medal will go to Amra Muna,a particularly repellent Fatah operative who used the internet to lure Israeli teenager Ophir Rahum to what was supposed to be a romantic rendezvous in Jerusalem. Instead, he was kidnapped and taken to Ramallah,where he was murdered.She's also under Israeli custody.

Who receives the Al Quds Mark of Honor is decided solely by Abbas,and he alone has the final say on choosing the Palestinians to be honored with the medal.

Abbas is spreading the glory around to both Fatah and Hamas....sort of the Palestinian version of equal opportunity for murder.

You can tell a lot about a given group of people by looking at what they honor. It takes a very special category of human being - and I use the term loosely - to honor people like this. And this is by no means a unique instance of this sort of thing.

It's time to end this farce.


UPDATE: After massive outcry in Israel and elsewhere ( and undoubtedly a few terse words from Condi Rice on the awkwardness involved) Abbas decided to rescind the planned awards.

However, the fact that he actually considered this and saw nothing wrong with it tells you a great deal about the actual status of the 'peace process.'

As well as who Mahmoud Abbas really is.

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