Per Mary Katharine Ham at the Weekly Standard notes that President Obama spun this yarn for ABC News:
“Let's just clarify. I didn't make a bunch of deals [on health care]. ... There is a legislative process that is taking place in Congress and I am happy to own up to the fact that I have not changed Congress and how it operates the way I would have liked.”
Nah, wasn't Obama...except, as John McCormack reveals in the Washington Examiner it damn well was, and Zero was into to up to his lying eyes:
...the Washington Post reported on December 20 that Obama's top aides were involved in the negotiations with Nelson:
Schumer, who spent more than 13 hours in Reid's office Friday, said the Medicaid issue was settled around lunchtime, and the final eight hours of the talks focused on the abortion language. Boxer estimated she spent seven hours in Reid's offices -- without ever once sitting in the same room, even though they were all of 25 steps apart.
Reid and Schumer kept up the "shuttle negotiation" between the leader's conference room and his top aide's office, Boxer said.
Keenly aware how tense the talks were, the White House dispatched two aides who together have decades of experience in the Senate -- Jim Messina and Peter Rouse -- to work with Nelson. They relayed their intelligence to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who monitored the talks from a dinner in Georgetown.
If Prez Zero claims never he signed on to bribing Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson, he's (A) lying through his teeth (B) telling us he's so out of touch and clueless he has no idea or control over what the White House is doing, AKA the Nixon Watergate defense or (C)a combination of both of the above, with Zero simply telling Emanuel to fix it by whatever means necessary and not interrupt his golf game with details.
Pick whichever one you like, but I'm opting for A with C as a close second choice, since we already know that Obama was intimately and directly involved in exempting his union pals from the 'cadillac health care' tax provisions in the Senate bill as well as Prez Zero's corrupt sweetheart deal with Big Pharma.
All leader lie to some degree, but its usually done for reasons of national security. This self-serving crap simply shows how much contempt this president has for the people that elected him.
All leader lie to some degree, but its usually done for reasons of national security. This self-serving crap simply shows how much contempt this president has for the people that elected him.
i'm not quite sure what to make of these two statements. these make up the last paragraph of the essay.
what i mean is that, well, i've been coming to J/P for a couple of weeks now, and read numerous essays ff has posted on various subjects.
so, reading between the eloquent lines of what ff says in these two statements, is not half the story. not near as much as the way these two sentences come together.
where i'm going with this narration, is that it appears to myself that ff comes very close to losing it. numerous times and with various subjects and replies to comments i can see/tell a controlled anger held in check by a need to remain objective. ff appears to have come very close to employing language habitually used by myself in referring to hussein, by telling him to go have intercourse with himself.
well, i don't say it that way, but i'm not objective either.
who knows?
maybe in a couple more years ff may start sounding like LL.
g-d forbid.
i can only hope that ff soils hisself by watching the state of the union speech so i won't have to.
Oh, I will watch it,probably with Weekend Monkey. And we'll have plenty of liquid refreshment handy, believe me.
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