Some of you have been following the story of Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an outspoken opponent of jihad and a supporter of women's rights.
Her story is eerily reminiscent of refugees from Hitler's Germany, who likewise were forced to flee their native land because of their opposition to evil.
Originally born in Somalia, she fled to the Netherlands to avoid being `given' in marriage to a distant male relative she had never met. When she got there, she was shocked to discover that Islamism was well entrenched there, and was well entrenched..complete with de facto sharia law, female genital mutilation and widespread abuse. Ayaan Hirsi Ali knew the pain of this firsthand; she was circumcised against her will at a young age.
After 9/11, she entered politics and was elected as a deputy of the Dutch parliament, where she became a voice alerting the people of her adopted country to the menace of radical Islam, and against the abuse of Muslim women and children in the Netherland's Islamic ghettos.
She then hooked up as a collaborator with the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on `Submission', a film about the plight of oppressed and abused Muslim women in Holland for which she wrote the screenplay and provided the movie's narration.
After the controversial film was shown in Holland, Van Gogh was brutally murdered by a fanatic Muslim while cycling to work one morning in 2004 and then had his corpse ritually mutilated. Anote was pinned to Van Gogh's corpse promising Ayaan Hirsi Ali that she was the next target, with explicit Qu'rannic details of her `crimes against Islam'. The threats inthe letter have been repeated many times by other would be `defenders' of Islam.
She's lived under police protection ever since.
As I reported here. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was recently evicted under court order from her security apartment after her neighbors filed suit saying that she exposed them to undue risk of violence by the Islamic fanatics targeting her.
It gets worse.
Now homeless, Ayaan was apparently targeted by Minister of Immigration Rita Verdonk, who threatened to revoke her citizenship based on the fact that Ayaan Hirsi Ali admitted changing her name and age on her asylum application back in 1992.
Ali had publically admitted changing her name on her application several times, even once in a book of essays published in 2002.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali resigned from the Dutch parliament Tuesday, saying it would be impossible for her to function as a politician while fighting a legal battle over her immigration status.
The threat to strip Ayaan Hirsi Ali of her Dutch citizenship raised a lot of questions in parliament at a time of heightened anti-immigrant feeling in the country. Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said he was "surprised by the speed" with which Verdonk acted and asked her for an explanation.
After a few parliamentary back and forths, Verdonk agreed to two motions, one to reconsider her first decision, and another to reprocess Hirsi Ali's naturalization as quickly as possible if necessary.
In the meantime, U.S. Ambassador Roland Arnall met with Ayaan Hirsi Ali to tell her the United States will accept her regardless of her Dutch immigration status. And apparently she has a job offer at the American Enterprise Institute.
At all costs, it seems, Muslims must be allowed "their culture" and not have to allow others the freedom of the least criticism of it. If Muslims do feel offended, often their very first resort is to violence and intimidation.
Even worse, they are often aided and abetted by the very people on the Left who claim freedom of expression as one of their primary mantras in life. Which means that they think it's perfectly okay to put a crucifix in a jar of urine or smear elephant dung on the Virgin Mary and call it art, but ruthlessly suppress cartoons depicting the Mohammed or anything else critical of Islam.
It seems that Europe's refugees from Islamic Facism are already starting to arrive.
As an eloquent and courageous spokesperson against theocracy and theocratic intrustions into secular democratic societies, she will be most welcome in the United States.
Indeed Vigilante!
This is a very important story that needs full attention of the public, unfortunately the MSM won't touch it........another great post.
Great post.
I can't wait to post photos of GW and Condi w/ Ayaan side by side at her special citizenship ceremony!
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