Every week, the Watcher's Council nominate two posts each, one from the Council members and one from outside for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week’s Council nominations is here.
In which Doctor Pat tries her hand at parody songwriting on the Democratic party's lack of any positive ideas.
2. J O S H U A P U N D I T: The Pope at Auschwitz
Pope Benedict XVI visited the site of the Auschwitz death camp Sunday. The Pontiff's remarks at the site of Auschwitz dealt not only with the past, but with the present.And he had some things to say which were mostly misunderstood by the Media Drive By squad...this is an important moment in the Battle for Europe.
3.Done With Mirrors: Haditha Incident- Callimachus writes on the alleged civilian killings at Haditha. I pretty much agree with his take on this.
4. The Education Wonks: Wonkitorial: Lessons To Be Learned From Private Schools EdWonk examines private schools in St. Louis and examines the possible application and implications for the public school system. Here's my comment, Ed...V O U C H E R S and school choice.
5. The Strata-Sphere: Zarqawi’s Last Stand?AJ talks about Zarqawi becoming desperate in Iraq and muses about things finally coming to a head inIraq with al Qaeda. Nice thought and we can always hope, but as readers to this site know, al Qaeda is primarily concentrating on Jordan and the Palestinian Authority and ramping things up with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt...and the war against the US in Iraq has mainly been taken up by Iran, through the Iran funded and trained Shia Militias.
6. Who do you trust with your Constitution? : New World Man Matt has an interesting take on the Constitutional view of judicial activism vs. the legislative branch.
7. Gates of Vienna: Interview With Starling David Hunter, PhD Dymphna has an interesting interview with a professor with the American University in Dubai, in the UAE, who talks about teaching Arab youth western style critical thinking and economics..
8. ShrinkWrapped: Live Flying ReindeerIn what appears to be a continuing series on commencement addresses, ShrinkWrapped analyzes NYT publisher Pinch Sulzberger's anti-US screed at SUNY. Makes you wonder what kind of reality these people live in!
9. Rhymes With Right: Blog about school, get expelledGreg examines a teen faced with expulsion for exercising freedom of speech off campus.
10.Right Wing Nut House : WHO DO YOU BELIEVE ON GLOBAL WARMING? Rick looks at both sides of this issue.
11. The Glittering Eye: You’ve gotta know the territory
Dave examines the decline of the Knight-ridder newspaper chain.
12. The Sundries Shack: On Memeorial Day, 2006Jimmie Bise looks at memeorial Day and provides a list of heroes in Iraq and Afghanistan who's exploits have all but been ignored by the Main Stream Media. These people don't want American heroes, Jimmie...not in this or any other war. because it makes a lot of the folks in the media look like the anti-American, self loathing cowards they are. Good job, Jimmie.
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