Ah, it appears I've been tagged in a Blogger meme. This is a nifty ritual where one blogger nominates another and poses questions to be answered. The rukes are simple:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 7 questions decided by your nominator.
4. Nominate (no limit of nominations) other bloggers for this award and link back to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the award requirements.
In my case Debbie at Right Truth and Terresa at The Noisy Room nominated and tagged me and they want answers.
Debbie's Questions:
1. Should the United States pass a law forbidding a Muslim from running for and being elected as President of the United States? Why?
Nope. The Constitution's agin' it. There's no test of faith to run for office.
2. What is your favorite joke to tell others?
Are you kidding? I can't repeat that here!
3. What do you see as the most dangerous thing the Obama administration has done while in office?
How long do you have? The START treaty, amnestia, out of control spending, ObamaCare, the president's embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood, the hollowing out of our military? I guess if I have to pick one, it is this president's unprecedented disregard for law and the Constitution.
4. What advice would you give the Republican National leadership, assuming they might actually listen?
Resign.Turn it over to at least someone with a fighting chance of intestinal fortitude and the ability to articulate it.
5. Should toilet paper be hanging forward or backward?
Forward. Toujours l'audace, l'audace.
6. Rock-N-Roll or Blues and why?
Both.And why not?
7. Where do you see race relations and religious freedom headed in the next few years in the United States?
Race relations will continue to be poor as long as the Left sees grievance politics as a necessity to win elections and its activists see it as a vehicle for profit. Religious freedom like all other American freedoms is in for some rocky times, at least over the short haul.
Terresa's Questions:
1. What is the most important issue facing America?
Overall, I'd say our lack of leadership.
2. If you could have anyone out there be President, who would you choose?
Sarah Palin.She'd make the changes that need to be made.
3. Who is your hero?
Hmmm...Joshua, with Rafael Eitan and George Washington as runners up. I have quite a list.
4. Who is the greatest enemy of America and why?
Ourselves. Because no one else can defeat us.
5. If you were fighting for your way of life, would you choose principle or security?
I'm uncertain of what you mean here. Without one, the other is useless.
6. Who are the conservative leaders that you admire?
Ted Cruz, Margaret Thatcher, Stephen Harper, Churchill, Reagan, Coolidge, John Howard, Naftali Bennett.Again, there's a list.
7. Has communism/Marxism/progressivism infiltrated America and what would you do to stop it?
It infiltrated America a long time ago, as an express Soviet policy. It's why the Comintern was created. The only way to stop it is to fight it on the same battlegrounds it attacked us on - the culture, the courts, and the classroom.
Now, I suppose I.m going to have to tag a few others..starting with these two! I'll figure out the questions later...
UPDATE: OK, here are the questions:
Debbie at Right Truth:
1) What do you most like about living in the South?
2) Who would you most like to see in the White House as president?
3) What was the most influential book you ever read?
4) Radical Islam is obviously a problem in America. What would you do to solve this
5) If you could be anyone in history, whom would it be?
6) Who is your favorite singer?
7) If you could change one thing in America, what would it be?
Terresa at The Noisy Room:
1) Who is your favorite fictional character?
2) Whom would you like to see as president?
3)What do you feel is the most vital issue facing America?
4) What do you find most satisfying about blogging?
5)Do you have a secret talent few people if any know about?
6)What would you say the odds are on America remaining a free country?
7)What's your favorite comedy movie or play?
Thanks for playing. I will post a link back here so others can read your answers.
Here are the answers to the questions you asked me:
1) What do you most like about living in the South?
Warm weather; freedoms; hospitality; (did I say warm weather?)
2) Who would you most like to see in the White House as president?
Allen West would be good.
Ted Cruz (before the Republican establishment destroys him, like they do most Conservatives)
Dr. Ben Carson
3) What was the most influential book you ever read?
I still must say "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
4) Radical Islam is obviously a problem in America. What would you do to solve this
Tough question when we have politicians that bend over backwards not to offend, thus giving Islam rights in this country other religions can't have. We would need to start getting rid of these politicians first, keep trying to spread the word about Islam as a political system rather than a harmless religion.
5) If you could be anyone in history, whom would it be?
No one. I would never want to be anyone other than myself.
6) Who is your favorite singer?
You will think this is strange, because his voice really isn't that good, but I have always been drawn to songs performed by Roy Orbison.
7) If you could change one thing in America, what would it be?
Laws would be obeyed and enforced. That does not seem to be the way things are run any more. Obama can merely wave his hand and do anything he wants, no consequences
Right Truth
4. Who is the greatest enemy of America and why?
The mainstream media.
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